Chapter 21

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Greninja woke up, barely remembering what happened last night. "Last night felt like a dream," Greninja thought. "Hopefully it wasn't." He only remembered that he had confessed his feelings for Braixen and all of before that...but it felt like a dream. However what happened after that? He had no clue.

The sun was shining through the window, and it seemed that he was the only one in Braixen's house. He had slept leaning on the bottom of the sofa which, Greninja assumed was where he sat before sleeping. He looked up the clock, 11:24 A.M. "We must've stayed up really late..." Greninja muttered. He stood up and turned around to see, on the sofa, Braixen. Peacefully sleeping. Greninja smiled at her, "She really is beautiful."

Greninja took a quick look around the house. The kitchen was a mess, the table was covered in plates, cups, cake and wrapping paper. The living room floor had a lot of food crumbs and trash. "We have to clean this up." Greninja told himself.

"Good morning." Braixen softly said, surprising the ninja-frog. "Good morning." He smiled. "Did you sleep well?" He asked the fox. She gave a warming smile and nodded. "Like a rock." She sat up and realized the mess around the house. They both looked at each other and said, "We have to clean this up." in unison. They both settled that Greninja would clean up and throw out the trash from the kitchen, while Braixen cleaned up and sweeped the living room floor.

"Hey Braixen?" Greninja asked as he threw out a few paper plates he had collected. "Was what happened last night real?" Braixen turned around to look at Greninja. "Well if you mean by the fact that you took me outside, gave me this necklace with a picture of us in the inside of the heart and then told me you loved me, kissed, then, yea, it was real." Braixen said, a red blush appearing on her face. Greninja felt his face warm up. He quickly turned  around in embarrassment to avoid eye contact. "It felt like a dream..." He told Braixen. She giggled, "Well, you made this my best birthday in my life." Greninja nodded, he felt really happy.
After an hour, they had finally finished cleaning up the house.

They both sat down next to each other on the sofa, as they both stayed silent for a few seconds. "Hey what happened after...I told you I loved you?" Greninja said, breaking the silence. "Well, not a lot actually. We all sat down and talked for a few hours. Then all of our friends began to leave around 2:30 in the morning." Braixen responded. "Why? Forgot?" "Yea, I did. Somehow." Greninja responded. She smiled at him as Greninja did the same.

Braixen rested her head on her shoulder while she held Greninja's hand (which had caught Greninja off guard). "I love you." She whispered to him. Greninja blushed, "I-I love you too." They soon found each other starring at each other in the eyes, as they soon leaned in for a kiss.

Not that it even lasted for a few seconds anyways.

They both immediately pulled away from each other. "Morning breath." Braixen and Greninja laughed together.  "Hey, how about we get ourselves cleaned up and ready and I'll invite us for some late breakfast?" Greninja suggested with a slight blush after they had finished laughing. "Yea sure." Braixen nodded. "Wait, are you going home now?" Braixen curiously asked. "Not to be rude or anything." She added. Greninja chuckled. "Yea, I am. I'll call you when I'm ready." Greninja said getting up. He planted a quick kiss on Braixen's forehead as he continued to leave out the door.

Braixen stared at the door for a few seconds after Greninja had left before thinking:

"I love that frog."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now