Chapter 24

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Greninja gave a quick kiss on her cheek, making her giggle and blush. "You're really a loving type, huh Greninja?" (No pun intended) She joked giving him a kiss back. Greninja chuckled. "Well, it's not like you're not either." They both decided to relaxed together. As Braixen leaned on Greninja's body, Greninja wrapped his arm around Braixen, cuddling together. "Hey want to watch tv?" Braixen suggested. Greninja nodded and went ahead and got the controller, turning on the tv. Once the tv turned on, it seemed to be on the news channel.

"Today in Lumiose City, an unexpected attack occurred in the afternoon. A Sceptile, in the Southwestern corner of the city, seemed to have lost control and started to attack other pokemon and buildings. We had many reports saying that its eyes seemed red when he attacked. According to them, "It was another 'Red-Eye' attack". Unfortunately, the attack took 4 pokemon lives and left about 13 injured. Now with-" Greninja changed the channel. "Another 'Red-Eye' attack..." Greninja muttered under his breath. "Are we going to be okay?"
Braixen asked. She sounded like a young child worrying about a situation. "Yea, we'll be okay," Greninja responded. However, his mind began to worry. A few months and weeks ago, the attacks began in the West, which the attacks soon began to occur more and more to the East. Lately, it's Lumiose City....the attacks might get to the point where it will reach their town, Vaniville...

He looked over at Braixen, who seemed to be entertained by what's on the tv. Greninja decided to see what was it that was playing. It was one of his favorite movies, Avatar. The rest of the afternoon was just filled with laughter, fun, and entertainment. Greninja pushes out the thoughts of a 'Red-Eye' attack going to happen in his town out of his head and focused more on spending time with his loved one, Braixen.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now