Chapter 2

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"No! I-It's nothing really!" Greninja replied. Braixen stared at him with an expression that said that "I-do-believe-you-but-I-sort-of-don't." "You sure?" Greninja nodded. "Well okay I guess."


"Hey Braixen? Are you going to the city tonight with our friends?" Greninja asked, starring into her beautiful, reddish-orangish eyes. "Hm? Of course! Are you" He nodded in response. "Change of subject," Braixen said. "What were you thinking about?" She asked. Greninja noticed her blush a little but tried to ignore it.
         "I can't tell her!" Greninja said in his head. "I was thinking about what we should do later." Greninja lies. His best friend looked disappointed. "Oh."
           "Hey I'm going to get ready for later." She said getting up. Greninja was a little upset that she was leaving early. "Oh alright. See you later?"
          Braixen giggles at him. "Yea see you later!" She said. Greninja stayed looking at her as she walked away. When she was out of sight, Greninja completely regretted telling what was in his mind.
A.N: Finally finished the second chapter!

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now