Chapter 7

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          "Hey, sorry about what happened back there." Braixen apologized. Greninja smiled at her. "I wasn't mad, I just didn't want to waste anytime arguing." Braixen nodded. They both stayed silent for a bit, listening in on their friends conversation.
When there was a silence going on between Greninja and Braixen, it didn't feel awkward at all. After all, they've been close friends since they were very young. "Braixen? Remember how we first met?" Greninja asked, remembering the moment already in his head. "Of course! How can I forget how I met my closest friend?"


            Froakie looked around confused on where his parents were. He was by a lake in the middle of a forest. He felt scared in an unknown place. Froakie hopped around the edge of the lake, trying to remember where he came from. Of course, he couldn't remember.
            Nearby, a bush started to rustle, making Froakie jump back and face towards it. Now he was terrified. If it was a big, strong pokemon, then he was in trouble. He was still way too small and weak to be able to fend of a powerful pokemon. His heart was racing, as well as his mind. "What could it be?" Froakie thought to himself.

            A Fennekin jumped out, holding a berry in her mouth while staring at him curiously. "Hey are you lost?" The Fennekin asked, putting the berry on the ground. Froakie, without responding, stayed silent. The fox kept on trying to talk to him, but he remained silent. Finnaly, he talked. "S-sorry for staying silent. My name is Froakie, what's yours?"  "Hm? My names Fennekin. It's okay that you were silent, it was just that I was worried about you for a second." She smiled. "Where are your parents?" Froakie didn't know what to say to this, except "I don't know, honestly. How about yours?" He asked, trying to change the subject. "I was helping my mom picking berries, so I came over here to see if there were any here." She smiled.
A few minutes later, a Delphox the same place Fennekin came from. "Oh Fennekin! Who's your new friend that you made?" The Delphox curiously asked. "Mom! His name is Froakie. He's lost and never found nor met his parents." Fennekin explained as Froakie tried to hide his face from embarrassment. "Do you want to come with us?" Delphox asked. Froakie was still thinking whether or not he should go, but he felt like he trusted both of them, so he decided to go with them.
Delphox and Fennekin took him in. They didn't seem to be bothered or annoyed at all by him in his presence. Delphox took really good care of both Froakie and Fennekin. Overtime, we quickly became close friends. From evolving from Fennekin to Braixen and Froakie to Frogadier. Once Frogadier evolved into Greninja and Braixen got a little older (still younger than Greninja, but got older in general), they decided to move out.
They both moved to a nice, calm town named "Vaniville Town." Greninja and Braixen made their new friends and were soon comfortable with the new place.


"Can't you believe two years have passed every since we moved here on our own?" Braixen said, looking up at the sky as they continued on their trio to the mall. Greninja nodded in agreement, "Time sure does fly." There was a moment of silence between them. Greninja was looking down at the sidewalk pavement while Braixen looked up at the town, looking around happily.
          Greninja felt like this was the perfect time to tell her how he felt about her. But was it really worth it to risk this friendship and make it awkward?

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now