Chapter 18

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"Alright, so first things first. Who's going to be the distraction?" Greninja asked. Gardevoir and Lucario both volunteered. "Should I text her to see if she wants to do something?" Gardevoir asked. Lucario nodded. "Just ask her if she wants to go get lunch at a resatuarnt or something." Gardevoir, obediently, took out her phone and texted Braixen. "The rest of will buy the party supplies." Raichu said.

A few minutes later, Braixen responded.

Gardevoir: Hey Braixen! Happy B-day! Do you want to go eat lunch later with me and Lucario at a restaurant or something? Our treat.

Braixen: Thank you! Yea sure I'll go. What time?

Gardevoir: Idk, is 1:30 okay?

Braixen: Yea it's fine. See you soon!

"What did she say?" Luxray asked curiously. "She said she'll go." Gardevoir responded. Greninja smiled. Everything was going good so far. The group decided to do it in the afternoon to have the party late in the afternoon. "But what am I going to tell her?" Greninja thought to himself. He had been thinking about how he was going to confess to the fox he had loved for, basically his whole life.


Buying the party supplies was an.....interesting....experience. They had recently left the Party Store with a warning. First, Luxray tried to smuggle some candy, Raichu almost knocked down a whole aisle, and the rest were acting normal. The staff gave a talk to Luxray and Raichu about "stealing is wrong" and "no fooling around" kind of talk. Greninja and Arcanine didn't get in trouble however. They were calmly buying the supplies needed. As for Sylveon, she went to pick up the cake.

"How did you almost knock down a whole aisle?" Greninja said, holding back his laughter. Raichu shrugged. "Some kid or something dropped something on the ground and I slipped all over the place." The group laughed.

Greninja received a message from Lucario later.
Lucario: How's it going?
Greninja: We bought the supplies, now we just need to prepare the party.
Lucario: Nice. Did Sylveon pick up the cake?
Greninja: Yea she did. Just recently actually. I'll text you when we're ready, okay?"
Lucario: Ok, bye.
Greninja: Bye.


The party was now settled. Greninja and Luxray helped set up
the tables, while Raichu, Arcanine and Sylveon prepared the food and snacks for the party. Arcanine had a good idea and rented out a few movies they could be a watch together as a group. "All that's left is to tell Lucario that we're ready." Greninja stated. He sent the message with a reply that said: "We're on our way."

Greninja sighed. He was awfully nervous. Today was the day he was going to confess to Braixen. He was
afraid. What if she finds it weird her best friend loves her more than as a friend? What if she doesn't feel the same way towards him and ends up making the friendship awkward? Greninja shook his head. Now wasn't the time to think about this.

They all got into their hiding spots, turning off the lights and waiting for Braixen to walk in. A few minutes later, they heard voices outside of the door. Specifically Gardevoir's and Braixen's voice.

Finally the door opened. And Braixen was the first one to step inside.


As soon as Braixen took a step inside, she was greeted with a loud "Surprise!"

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now