Chapter 19

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Braixen, obviously surprised, gasped in excitement, but remained silent afterwards. "So, what do you think?" Greninja asked. Braixen smiled. "I love it."

After the group of friends had said "Happy Birthday" to Braixen, they continued with the party. It was a normal one, except without the derpy party games. They had agreed that they had grown out of that. "Hey, let's watch a scary movie!" Gardevoir exclaimed, waving around the movie "Scream." It was only an hour or two into the party (6:30 P.M.), plus it was starting to get dark, so why not?

Lucario, Luxray, Raichu, Sylveon, Arcanine, Braixen and Greninja made their way over to the living room. Greninja and Braixen sat next to each other, Sylveon sitting to the left of Braixen on the sofa. Luxray sat on the sofa chair by himself with Arcanine sitting next to the chair on the floor. Gardevoir, Lucario and Raichu were sitting down in the middle of the floor. "Oh hey! Wait a minute. Don't start the movie yet!" Raichu exclaimed, running to the snack table.

A few seconds later, he came back with a medium-sized bowl of popcorn which he placed in front of where he was going to sit. Then he brought two more, giving one to Luxray and Arcanine, and another to Sylveon, Greninja and Braixen. "Good idea, Raichu." Greninja complimented. "I was hungry." Braixen giggled at the comment.

During the movie, every time a jump scare or something happened, Braixen seemed to jump in fright, clenching onto Greninja's arm, which of course made him blush. Calmly, Greninja asked, "Do you watch a lot of horror movies?" The fox Pokémon shook her head "no" in response, a cute blush appearing on her face.

Afterwards, they did cake and sang "happy birthday" to Braixen, followed by gifts. "Strange. Greninja didn't get me anything..." Braixen thought. As she opened up her presents, Greninja seemed...anxious? Braixen started to worry about the frog Pokémon. Once they had finished, the group relaxed and chatted for a bit.

"So, when are you going to tell, Y'know, him?" Sylveon asked Braixen in conversation. A blush crept onto Braixen's face. "It's's just that I want him to tell me..." Braixen muttered. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?" Sylveon asked. Braixen stopped to think about this. It's true. If he didn't feel the same way about Braixen, he would never tell her. She looked over at Greninja, who was talking with the guys and laughing. Braixen smiled at the thoughts of Greninja and herself together. "I'll tell him soon." Braixen told Sylveon.

"I think now is a good time..." Greninja told himself. He took a quick glance at Braixen to see if she was doing anything. She was in the kitchen, probably cleaning up a bit, or making more snacks.

Standing up from the couch, he told himself, "Now is DEFINITELY the time..."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now