Chapter 9

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"Hey, Braixen? Do you mind if I sleep over at your house today?" Greninja asked. "Of course! You're welcome anytime you know." "Thanks."
As they walked to Braixen's house, a Blaziken so happened stopped to talk to Braixen....or flirt. "Hey are you free tonight? I can invite you some drinks if you want." The Blaziken told Braixen with a "charming" voice. "N-no, and please stop flirting with me. I'm not interested." Braixen politely said, taking a step back. Greninja noticed that she was very uncomfortable. The Blaziken continued to approach her, trying to charm her into going on a date as Braixen kept on denying.

Greninja hated this feeling, which was what he was feeling now....jealousy.

It got to the point where the Blaziken forcefully took her hand and pulled her closer to him. Braixen was now completely red in the face of embarrassment. "I don't want to go out with you!" Braixen softly yelled to not attract attention. That's when Greninja snapped. He slapped Blaziken's hand of hers, and gave him a serious stare. "Look, buddy. I don't who you are and what your intentions are, but you need to back off," Greninja firmly told him. "She already said she wasn't interested, now go." "Who do you think you are?" The Blaziken asked, standing more upright to look more intimidating and walking over up to Greninja. "I'm her best and closest friend." Greninja stated. 
           It was weird. He didn't feel scared about him, and was glad that he was able to stand up for her. Like Greninja was when he was a Froakie, when Fennekin evolved, she became a bit shy. More guys, attracted to her kept showing up, but she was too shy and nervous to say anything to them. So, Greninja was always the one to fend them off.
          Braixen was standing behind Greninja, worried about whatever was going on. Blaziken snorted at them, turned around and walked away. Greninja gave a relieved sigh as he saw Blaziken walk away. He turned over to Braixen to see what her reaction was. Their eyes met, a small blush creeping on each other's faces. "Thank you Greninja." Braixen thanked, calming down. "Hey, it's nothing. I've been doing this every since you evolved." Greninja smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now