Chapter 22

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They were both recently on their way to their "late breakfast." Luckily, the diner did an all-day breakfast so they can eat. Greninja wanted to hold Braixen's hand, but remembering that they were keeping their relationship a secret, stopped himself from doing so.

It was a bit cloudy outside, the sun coming out and shining every once in a while. The town wasn't that crowded at the time, but there was plenty of Pokémon walking around. Greninja and Braixen soon arrived to the Diner, with Greninja opening the door for her. "What a gentleman." Braixen teased as she thanked Greninja and walked through. They chose a table and sat down. The waitress came by and they ordered their meals.

As they waited for their food, they were both silent. It wasn't anything new, Greninja and Braixen were used to silence between them. Moments later, the same Blaziken that tried to flirt with Braixen the other night walked in. Blaziken caught a glimpse of the fire fox and walked over to their table for a second attempt. "Um, G-Greninja?" Braixen nervously said. "Yea? Is something wrong?" He asked in concern. Braixen was pointing past him so he turned around to see Blaziken. "Oh no...not again." Greninja thought. Braixen was now fidgeting in her seat, uncomfortable.

"Hey Braixen. You still hanging out with this scrub?" Blaziken asked shoving Greninja's face. "What do you care? We've told you to back off." Greninja firmly stated. "I didn't ask for your opinion!" Blaziken yelled back. Braixen felt even more anxious and nervous then before. She was scared that Greninja would get injured, or a fight might break out.

"Look, Braixen already told you that she didn't want to be with you!" Greninja said back, Braixen nodding to his statement.

"Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth." Blaziken whispered before punching Greninja in the jaw followed by a scratch on the chest. Greninja was starting to bleed.Braixen gasped and the Diner went silent to the sight of this. Greninja got up and shoved him back into the bar table, knocking over a few stools. "This is going to be a short fight..." Blaziken muttered to himself. Greninja was standing up with his fists ready to punch if he needed to do so. Blaziken charged forward giving a hard punch to the stomach followed by an uppercut. Greninja groaned in pain as his back
rested against the edge of the table. Blaziken grabbed Greninja by his neck, putting pressure on it with his hand, and started to choke him. "I have to get him to loosen his grip!" Greninja told himself.

He needed to breath, his lungs wouldn't be able to last longer if he kept this up. Greninja started to feel faint while Blaziken's chuckles echoed through his head. But he fainted, now unconscious. Braixen immediately got up and hit Blaziken in the stomach with her fire stick. Blaziken let go of Greninja as he jumped back in pain.

A Sceptile and Blastoise got up and picked him up. The Blastoise took care of Blaziken while the Sceptile called the cops on Blaziken. The cops soon came and took him away. "Get out of our Diner!" They both yelled at Blaziken watching the cops take him away. All of the other customers had ran out during the fight in fear. Braixen put her fire stick back in her tail, and checked Greninja to make sure he was okay. "Greninja..." She whispered, giving a small shake on his shoulder. "Wake up..." His chest was still bleeding from the scratch so she asked the Blastoise for a towel to clean up the blood. Blastoise gave it to Braixen telling her that he hoped he was alright.

She walked over to Greninja and kneeled down next to him. The top half of his body was leaning against the table, while his bottom half was slouching on the floor. She gently cleaned up the blood trying not to spill it on the floor. Braixen's eyes were now beginning to water.

Braixen cleaned it up and threw the towel away. She knelt back down next to him and looked at his expressionless, unconscious face. "What am I going to do now?" Braixen thought worriedly.

Luckily, Sylveon so happened to walk in at that time.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now