Chapter 3: P.t.2~ What?

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Five's P.O.V~

I woke up Jacob on the couch he didn't talk last night he just fell asleep so then I did too, my alarm went off, "Turn that shit off why you waking up so early?" Jacob asked with an attitude. "We have training to do so we wake up early and go train so yea now stop with your ugly attitude little man!" I said. "I am not a little man okay you can even check!" he smirked at me. I grabbed some training cloth and walked to the bathroom, "In your fucken dreams little man!"I smiled and close the door I did my hygiene and walked out, "Damn, when you gonna let me tap that?" Jacob said staring at my ass. I walked up to him and bend down to his ear, " Oh Jacob, Never in your fucken dreams" I smirked and left him there. I walked to Seven's room I opened the door and to my surprise he was already awake, " How are you awake, you always sleep in!"I said. "Well now the guys helped me!" Seven smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow, "Well I guess ima have to keep them here so they can wake you up every fucken day! Anyways get ready for training." I said. "Okay Five!" he rolled his eyes at me. "Seven I'm serious or ima have to beat that ass again!" I warned. "Okay, okay ill do it!" he smiled. I closed the door and went to Six's room I opened the door to see Chresanto holding on to her waist she opened her eyes and jumped off Chresanto's arms, "You did not see shit and nothing happened!" she said. "Okay sure!" I rolled my eyes, "Get ready!" I said. "Okay!" she replied.

   Six's P.O.V~

Shit Five saw me in Chresanto's arm, she better not say shit ugh. I went up to my closet and grabbed some yoga pants and a thin nike sweater. I went into the bathroom and did my hygiene. I was about to get my toothbrush but it just came to me I freaked a little, I knew it was a new power so I called Five, "Five get here now!" I yelled. It wasn't my normal yell it was stronger and I guess I broke some windows then Five came in running and after her everyone else."WTF, was that yell, you broke the windows! Well most of them and my eardrums are hurting like bitch!" she said. I looked at her, "New power it just slipped you know but that was actually pretty cool anyways not the problem two more powers, look at this!" I told them. I sat my toothbrush down than started to move it in the air. "Telekinesis, you can move things with your mind! Awesome Six… where the fuck did you go?" Five asked. "What do too mean I'm right in front of you!" I asked. They all looked confused. "Six you have invisibility!"she said. "That's cool, but let go training!" We all started to walk downstairs for breakfast when my dad stopped us, "Six, Five, Seven you need to leave now we were wrong the Calibers laded on Earth already they're here in Arizona you guys have to pack and leave now!" he said. "What about you guys can't you come with us?"I asked. "Sorry honey we can't we have to stay, but we've tracked all the other go look for them you guys are stronger together now here our credit card in case you need them there's billions in there take care and we love you guys even you Five!" mom said hugging us three. We all hugged back we ran upstairs and started to pack. I was picking what I needed and got dressed I wore some black skinny jeans with a white spaghetti loose shirt that had black flowers around the neck part and my white converse. Then Chresanto walked in, "Hey!" he said in a sad voice. "Hey whats wrong?" I asked with a small smile. "Well I guess I won't see you again and I don't know I guess I'm just a little hurt by it!"he said. "Oh well I guess so but I have to go Chresanto I can't stay here and wait for the Calibers to come and kill us all I'm here to protect Earth and that's what I'm going to do you can't stop me!"I explained. "Let me come with you!"he grabbed my hands and. looked down, "What this? Six do you cut yourself?" he asked, I quickly pulled away~ Shit he saw my scars I used to cut myself but not no more shit!~ "Well this was a long time ago don't worry about it I have to go!" I closed my suit case and started to the door. "Wait. Was it us who made you do it?"he asked. "Look Chresanto the truth is yes it was because of you guys I live 4 fucken years with you guys bullying me I was not worth it why was I even here on Earth right so I cut and cut but now I have another reason to be here on Earth I have to protect it. Now I have to go Chresanto!" I explained. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back, we were now face to face, "I can't let you go,  if I do I loose the one thing that makes me happy, I won't see you ever again and I would miss you I only bullied you because no guy would have eyes for you only me and Im really sorry for what I did I regret it and if you go I will die without you if you die out there protecting the earth what will I do with out you i… I love you Bell… I mean Six, I love you!

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