Chapter 2: P.t 3~ You Cant Leave, You Know To Much.

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         Six's P.O.V~

We watch the full clip and I found out that Ronny and I were going to develop more powers and my name is not Bell I'm Six and Ronny's real name is Seven after all that's happened me and Ronny were determined to fight even if we died. Its been a month now and me and Seven haven't been at school neither has Five we have been training. So far we have learned how to use guns they are not normal guns they're from Genesa very powerful to, we have been learning fighting techniques I've fought Five and Seven many time and I'm not bragging or anything but I beat them more times than they have beat me. Five is the bestie I tell her everything and anything we're basically sisters now she lives with us. I was down in the basement punching a punching bag. I was wearing a sports bra and some spandex then I heard a knock at the door, I went to go get it. When I opened it there stood Chresanto and his clique.

  Chresanto P.O.V~

Me and the guys went to school and Bell and that Jocelyn girl wasn't there once again. After the accident with her and Jacob no one said anything I kind of missed her… I mean missed messing with her so I decided to go to her house and check up on her. "Guys let's ditch I have to go check up on someone!" I told them. They all nodded and we left school, we were walking up to Bells door, "Why are we here? I don't want to see the freak!" Jacob said. "Look she hasn't been at school for a month maybe something bad happened I need to make sure!" I told them. I rung the doorbell and seconds later a girl opened the door she was wearing spandex and a sports bra, "Bell?" I asked. "What the hell so you guys want, can't I be left alone! Haven't you and your friends done enough damage?" she yelled. I truly felt bad I was hurt I couldn't believe I hurt her and now she hated us, "Bell I'm sorry we just came to check on you." I said with a weak smile. She chuckled, "Why would you guys come and check on me?"she ask.

Six P.O.V~

Chresanto just told me that they came to check up on me, why would they check up on me I ment nothing to them, "Well I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt or anything!" he said. "Six who's at the door?" my mom interrupted. I looked over at her, "Its 4 guys mom, I don't know what they want?" I smiled at her. "Wait is it the 4 guys you showed your powers to?" she asked. I couldn't lie to her so I nodded, "Let them in!" she said. "What, no I'm not letting them in my house forget it I am…" "Six this is our house, I am your mother so obey me and let the boys in!"She cut me off. "Ugh,  okay… come in guys!"I told them. They sat on my, I mean our couch and just looked at me, "Mom! I'll be downstairs training." "Okay hun, after your done get ready for dinner!" she yelled from the kitchen.!"Okay!" I said. Then I left downstairs.

  Chredanto P.O.V~

Bell let us in her house and we sat. on the couch, she than left downstairs than her mom came out of the kitchen with refreshment and cookies, "So you 4 are the guys that saw my daughter use her power?" she asked. "Well Mrs. Munoz technically we got her mad and then she pushed us out the way and was holding Jacob against a locker without touching him." I explained. She looked surprised, " Well Six isn't normal you know she's not from earth she's from galaxies away from a planet named Genesa.  She has powers that are developing now but you guys can't tell anyone any of this. I can't have the government take her and experiment on her so you guys have to keep quiet." she told us. We all looked at her confessed, "We understand but why do you call her Six?" I asked. "That's her name it never was Bell. Now go wash up, all 4 of you we're about to eat dinner!" she said. "Mrs.  Munoz we can't stay for…" "You have to I told you everything about my daughter, you guys can't leave this house ever again I can't risk it!" she interrupted me. "Are you crazy we cant, you can't lock us up in…" Ray started to yell but go cut of by Six, "Yes she can, you guys know to much we can't risk it I can't neither can Five so you guys will stay here until Five, Seven, and I leave the state which will be in a month or so!" Six said. ~Damn she was looking fine in those spandex and sports bra.. wait what no I can't think of her like this ugh.~

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