Chapter 5: P.t 1~ Ohio.

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Six's P.O.V~

Five, Seven and I started to pack, Five already had everything in the car we just needed to get our suit case. We walked downstairs with our suitcase and the guys stopped us. "Where are ya'll going now?" Craig asked. "Well if you haven't noticed we are trying to get away from the Calibers and find the rest of us so we kill these motherfuckers so we are going to Ohio to find Four." I explained. "Than we're coming too!" Chres said. "Okay, but with one condition. You guys are going to be trained to fight and lean how to use our guns because so far as I'm aware ya'll just know how to eat, sleep and watch t.v" I said. They guys gave me looks and then nodded. "Alright then go pack your stuff!" I said. Jours later we were on the road. Seven decided to go with the guys bug since all of them didn't fit Jacob and Chresantos came with us. Chresantos was driving and I was in the passenger seat and Jacob and Five were in the back. Then I fell asleep.

  Chres P.O.V~

I was driving the car and Six was on the passenger seat sound asleep. Five and Jacob were in the back. "Chres?" Five said. "Yes!?" I replied. "Jacobs asleep so I wanted to talk to you!" she said. "Ofcouse he is, so what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well I know you love Six and you know she likes you back so I'm going to help you out!?" she said. "How, I've tried everything and nothing works!" I said. Five smiled at me, "Six never has gone out to anywhere and I was thinking even if we are trying to find the rest she has to have a little fun doesn't she, so if you take her out maybe she'll forget about the world for once and you know what I mean!" she explained. "Wow thanks Five, and by the way Jacob likes you to why don't you both just hang and at least try and be friends he really likes you!" I told her. "Umm.. ill try than but if you actually take Six out!" she said. I smiled and she smiled back, "I will!" I said. Hours past and Jacob was driving now I was so tired I fell asleep.

Six's P.O.V~

When I woke up Jacob was now driving. "Hey!" he said. I smiled at him, "Are we almost there?!"I asked. "Actually we're here already!" he said. I looked out the window, it wasn't that bad. I gave Jacob the address to the house and when we got there everyone was awake. We unpacked and it was 5 already. I was in my room looking at the full moon when I felt hands go around my waist, I quickly turned to see Chres. "Shit. You scared me Chres!" I said. "Sorry I didn't want to bug you!" he said. I smiled, "It's okay!" I said. "So Bell.. I mean Six.. " "You still remember my name?" I interupted. Chres scratched the back of his head, " Well ya I didn't want to forget it I never actually forgot it well because your too beautiful to be forgotten!" he said. I blushed, "Well thanks! I really thought everyone would have forgotten of that name.. but I'm glad someone remembered it!" I replied. He smiled, "Anyways I wanted to take you out like just friends.. you know walk around!"he said. "Oh I can't we have to.." "She's going.. ill find Four go and have fun for once!" Five interupted. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "Yea it's find now go!"she replied. I smiled, "Well you're in much Mr. Santos I'm free today!" I said. "Good!!"Chres said holding his hand out so I could take it. He led me to the car and we drove of to some place.

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