Chapter 4: P.t 2~ What is Love?

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Jacob came into the kitchen, "Did she tell you?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I said acting confused. "I'm not stupid Six I know she told you what happened!" he said in a serious face. "Okay, Jacob she told me what happened!"I confessed. "Did she tell you why she doesn't like me back?he asked. "Jacob... its not that she does""n't like you. Its that she doesn't know how to feel about the whole situation, our parents didn't teach us what love was or how it felt, she's confused! Give her sometime hopefully she'll come around." I explained. " Okay umm… thanks Six!" he said. "No problem!"I said walking out the kitchen. I was walking up the stairs when I bumped into Chresanto. "Hey!" he smiled. "What was going on down there?"he asked. "Oh that was nothing.. I have to go wake up Seven." I said running up the stairs before he can talk. I walked to Seven's room and to my surprise he was awake and dressed for the day, "Hey sis I'm all ready let's go find four!"he said excitingly. "Okay let's go!"we walked back downstairs where Five was waiting with our guns and weapons. "Okay we are all ready let's go find Four and then go to find the rest. We got on the car but were stopped by the guys, "We're coming!"Jacob said. "No you guys are going to stay in the house until we come back!" I said than drove off. We headed to the beach were Four is. When we got to a small beach house we walked in but no one was home. "Six get out here!" Seven yelled from outside. Me and Five went back outside where a small fire was dying. "They left!" Five said. "Yea, but where to?" I asked. There was no signs of where Four could have gone. "Get in the car we're going back to the house!" I said. I walked back into the house and turned on the oven and left it there with the gas pipes opened. I walked out and got on the car and drove off. "What did you do?" Seven asked. "Booom" was all I heard I pressed the gas pedal and looked back to. where the house was burning up. "There can't be no evidence that we were there and the Calibers hopefully won't be able to sniff us out with the smell of gas all around!" I explained. They both stated at me blankly. "Good idea Six!" Five smiled. "Yea sis!" Seven agreed. I drove off to the house we got out the car and I went upstairs to my room. - If Four had to leave Cali it might have been important so I'm going to look him up.- I search the web until it was dark, Five came and offered me dinner but I wasn't hungry. At last I found something it was a website that said, THEY WALK AMONG US. There was a video of Four grabbing onto his leg and there was light coming out of his leg. Now why the hell would he be on the internet we had to be invisible! I looked a the tracking device and to. my surprise it was still tracking Four down I ran downstairs, "Guys I found him!"I said. They all gave me dirty looks -Now what in the hell did I do now? Ugh!-

  Five's P.O.V~

Me and the guys were downstairs eating dinner and talking. "Five do you know why Six is avoiding me?" Chresanto's asked. "Well I don't know did you do. something bad to her?" I asked. He shook his head in a no motion. "Are you sure?!" I asked. "Well I kind of told her why i was actually was here!" he replied. "And why is that?" I asked. "Okay!  I'm tired of this! We came here because Chresanto's here fell in love with that girl upstairs and didn't want her to die out here and now Jacob is in love with you but you both won't budge and give them a chance!  They are dying to let them love you guys but you guys won't even notice what is wrong here!" Ray yelled. "What are you talking about?!" I asked acting confused. "Don't act stupid Five this morning Jacob told you how he felt but you just didn't listen to him and last night Chresanto's confessed to Six and they even kissed and now she's avoiding him what is really going on in this house!" Craig yelled. I couldn't stand it I just had to let it out, "You know why we avoid them and why we didn't tell them how we felt well because we don't fucken know what love feels like we never had our parents show us how love felt they were always working and us we just know what happiness, sadness, and anger feels love was never a feeling we can't love them back because we don't know what it is!" I yelled I was in tears. "And if you guys can't respect how we feel than I think you guys should leave! Six was right this is not your fight now I need to go to my room and think!" I said walking out the kitchen and heading to my room. -Why are guys so difficultUgh Six is right we need to leave and just focus on finding the rest than thinking in boys!-

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