Chapter 12~ Talk.

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Six's P.O.V~

Me and Nine got to the park and ran around with Daniel and Xavier for a while. We was having fun than Daniel got tired so I gave him his bottle and put him in his seat. In minutes he was out. "Wow he's a heavy sleeper." Nine stated. "Yea he is, I just wish his sister was here you know he wouldn't have been an only child." I said. "Babe, don't be sad about it she's in a better place now." she said. I smiled at her, "I'm glad I have you here as a good friend." I said. "I'll always be her even if I'm just 13." We laughed until I noticed a guy that looked like Chres. "Hey, can you watch Daniel for me?" I asked Nine. She nodded and I walked away. I walked up to a guy, " Chresanto?" I asked curiously. He turned around and to my surprise it was him, "What the full are you doing here? Are you stalking me now?" I said waiting for him to answer. "Noo. We need talk Bell, please!" he said I could hear he was serious. I signed, I couldn't lie we did need to talk. "Okay, we'll talk but at my house!" I said. "Okay!" he replied. I walked back over to Nine, "Hey who was you talking to?" she asked. "Chresanto." I replied. "What, the dude that left you. Oh hell naaww he needs to get his as beat." she yelled getting ready to beat the shit outa Chres. "No, Tris it's fine we just ganna go back home and we ganna talk, okay?" I said. She nodded in agreement. I grabbed Daniel and Nine grabbed Xavier and we drove home with Chresanto behind us. We got to the house and let him in. "Well let's talk alone in my room." I said. I walked up the stairs to my room I had Daniel in my arms, he was asleep I went into his room that was connected to mine and laid him in his crib. I walked back into my room where Chres was nosing around. "So what really do you want?" I asked. "Bell I came to apologize I was wrong in leaving I should have stayed and I need you I can't live.." "Why?" I cut him off. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Why? What was the reason you left?" I asked. "Look I know I fucked up. I thought a baby was too much and I made you believe that I was going to stay but I didn't I fucked up and I miss you and I should have been responsible I shouldn't have left. I was a dick that only thought about himself instead of other people. I miss you Bell after I left I couldn't believe what I had done I regret it everything please forgive me. I want you back in my life I want that child of yours to have a dad." I could see the hurt in his eyes I was also hurt. I couldn't trust him anymore but he did deserve to get to know his child even if I didn't want him to see Daniel. "Chresanto I have lived a year without you taking care of my own child. I don't think there will ever be another chance of me and you dating ever again. But even though you fucked up I understand you were confused and you were a dick all that year I thought "he's going to come back" but you never did and I was broken I was crushed. My life was lit by a beautiful child you gave me. I'm thankful and you deserve to know your own son." A tear came down my face. "Please forgive me Bell, let me be in your and the kids life." he begged. I walked over to Daniel door opened it and walked inside, I could feel Chresanto behind me, "His name is Daniel, you are the father and you deserve to see him. Any time you want, oh, one more thing. I'm not Bell, my name is Six.!" I said walking out the door. I missed him too but he fucked up I'm not the same girl he met years ago I've grown stronger and I don't trust many people only the ones that I have been with since all this mess happened Chresanto walked out of Daniels room and sat on the side of the bed. "He's wow, he looks.." "Just like you! Yea I never forgot your face he looks exactly like his father." I gave him a weak smile. "Bell, I didn't just come to see my son I need you Bell I can't live with out you. Ever since I left you I was crushed I was stupid to leave you I cried every night because I regret leaving you. I should have been there when Alex died.." "Get out!" I calmly cut him off. "What?" he said confused. "Please Chresanto get out!" I stood up and opened the door. He quietly walked out. I was mad, sad, just emotional.

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