Chapter 3: P.t.1~ Maybe, Feelings

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Five's P.O.V~

I went to the gym with Seven and train out there, Six wanted to be alone so we left her. I walked into the house to see 4 guys, Six and her mom in the kitchen. "Hey we're home whats going on here?" I asked. All 4 guys turned around and I instantly recognized them Chresanto, Jacob, Craig, and Raquan, what were they doing here. "Well mom kind off spilled out the truth to the guy and now they now all about us to make things worse they have to stay here until we leave the state, I don't trust them and we can't risk it!" Six said. "You're right we can't so you guys are going to stay!" I said standing next to Six. "We are not ganna say shit to anybody let us go!" Craig yelled. "Everyone just shut up, we'll stay just to prove we are not going to say shit okay!" Chresanto said. Everyone nodded. "Now everyone go wash up dinner is ready!" Six's mom yelled from the kitchen.

  Six's P.O.V~

So we got the guys to stay I just don't trust them I have this feeling they will tell everyone, I despite them but I couldn't risk it. I went upstairs and washed my hand then went back downstairs to the kitchen where everyone sat and ate. "Well I guess you guys couldn't wait to eat chicken! Mostly you Seven!" I said sitting between Five and Seven and smiling. "I am so hungry sis I could eat a damn cow!" he said biting into his chicken. We laughed, the rest of dinner was silent. After dinner I washed the plates and me, Seven, and Five started to head up the stairs but we were stopped by mom. "Where do you guys think you're going?" she asked. We all turned and smoked at her, "To our rooms to shower and then fall asleep we are really tired mom!" I said. I lied none of us wanted to end up with any of the boys but I guess mom knew I lied, "Stop lying, now the guys will be sleeping in your rooms I don't care who goes with who Seven you will share with 2 of the boys. Oh and just one rule if I hear anything that I am not supposed to hear you will be sleeping outside and yes Six you do have to sleep with one of the boys!" She warned. "Ugh, okay mom we got it!" I said. "Okay now go do what you need to do and the guys will. wait here until you guys are done!  Oh Seven let the boys borrow cloth ill buy them new ones tomorrow!" she said. Seven nodded then we left upstairs. I got to my room locked my door, really my mom has to do this to me ugh I should just have let them go! I took a shower and put on my pj shorts and a shirt, I brushed my hair then my teeth. I went back downstairs to see the guys but only saw Chresanto, "I'm guessing everyone took the guys so I'm stuck with you!" I said. "Looks like it!" he flashed me a smiled. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and started going up the stairs, "You coming?" I asked. He nodded and followed me up to my room, I let him in. I had a couch that spread out to be a bed I cleared it up and gave him 2 blankets, he had already gotten dressed into some basketball shorts and a shirt my brother had gave him, "There you go!"I said walking to my bed. "Thanks Bel… I mean Six!"he said. "No problem!" I got under my covers I was so fucken tired all that training got me fucked up. "Six?" I hear Chresanto say. "Yes?" I answered him, "Why do they call you that? Wasn't your name Bell?" he asked. "It was but where I come from our names are numbers and I'm Six!" I replied. "Oh do you miss it,  I mean your planet?" he questioned. I sighed, "Honestly, yes a lot also I miss my parents!" I said. "What do you mean, your parents are here!" he said. "Nevermind Chresanto just go to sleep!" I sniffed tears were falling I haven't thought of my real parents in a while. "Bel.. I mean Six are you crying?" he asked, I felt him get of the couch. "I'm fine just sleep i..I can't" tears just kept coming I had to cry. I felt Chresanto sit next to me and hug me tightly I cried on his shoulder, "Just please tell me whats wrong!"he said. I pulled back from the hug I looked at him, "I'm adopted so is Seven my real parents died when I was 5. The Calibers our enemies destroyed our planet and my parents were killed. Our planet send 12 of us to earth so we protect it from the Calibers 2 have been killed lately so now there's 10. I guess I haven't thought about my real parents lately." I told him, he pulled me back into a hug and whispered in my ear, "I'm so sorry for everything even what I've done to hurt you I never meant it!" "Its okay now sleep you need it!" I told him trying to get him of my bed so he can go to his couch. "Can I just lay here with you?" he asked. "Why?"I asked. "I just want to be comfortable!" he said with a smile. I smiled back, "Sure!" Chresanto laid next to me I was dosing off to sleep when I felt hands go around my waist I left them there Chresanto made me feel save and I was starting to feel something for him, I'm not sure of it yet but maybe just maybe I do have feeling for this guy.

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