t h r e e

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A/N: Sorry the chapters are short, I told myself that I would split them up this way.

Hau frowned, obviously dissappointed at yet another loss. Why couldn't he just win one for a change!! Forgetting about the tears threatening to fall, he slowly looks up into the blonde's eyes, "You're so cool, Gladdi! I could never beat you!" Hau then proceeds to give Gladion a quick hug before rushing back home. I feel sorry for Hau, I was merciless in the battle. Gladdion was, for the first time in his life, sad at a Pokemon battle win. Wait. What the hell, Hau just hugged me! I mean I know he's a nice guy, but still.... He stood there, stunned at Hau's sudden actions.

Especially this one <3

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