f o u r

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Aw crap, aw crap, why did I hug Gladdi?! What if he thinks I'm weird!? Hau was home now, and he was playing catch absentmindedly with Brionne, thinking about Gladion the entire time. What's wrong with me? Hau needed to text him again. Make a plan to start over. Maybe... not be as weird??

Alololololol: Hey, is it alright if I call you Gladdi, I didn't even ask you at first, so I'm sorry if you didn't like it...

TS Dood: naw it's fine don't be sorry.

Alololololol: There's a festival in Alola soon, with an amusement park and everything, wanna go?

TS Dood: sure when is it

Alololololol: A week from yesterday, it is at Iki Town.

TS Dood: all right I'll be there bye

Alololololol: Byeeeeeeeeeee

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