t w e l v e

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I decided to text Gladdi about meeting up again. But this time, I won't exaggerate about anything- I don't wanna lie! I gave a text to Gladdi:

Alololololol: Hi, Gladdi! Wanna hang out sometime?

XTS Dood: when

Alololololol: IDK, sometime next week?

XTS Dood: how about friday

Alololololol: Yeah, Friday works for me. Where?

XTS Dood: maybe we could go to the bowling alley on akala island. There is a boat trip to get over there we could go on too

Alololololol: That works for me! Meet you there at 5pm?

XTS Dood: yea see you at 5

---AN: Another short texting chapter, haha! I like writing these. (Did you notice that Gladion's name is now XTS Dood, saying that he is not in team skull anymore :D) Hope you like! Am already working on the next chapter.~~~<3---

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