t w e n t y - t w o

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Gladion's POV

Hau had completely freaked out over just a simple statement earlier, and I realized that I should chose my words more carefully next time. I understand his concern,  and I know that he tends to overreact sometimes, but I did find myself panicking when he looked like he was in between crying and yelling at me. Neither option would be good, for me to deal with, or for Hala's trust. I am still surprised at how Hala was accepting me so soon, and I'm sure that the cinnamon rolls helped. Thank Hau for that amazing idea. 

When Hau and I left the house, we decided to go out to the beach. Not to swim, but just to sit together and either talk, or just enjoy each other's presence, whichever works. We sat down on a beach towel that was there for people to use as they wanted. Hau picked out one that matched the pattern on his shorts, which I found to be an adorable quirk, that not many people would pick out from him. 

We sit down, hand in hand, just watching the vast ocean. Neither of us saying anything. We didn't need too. I look over to Hau, and I notice that he is not looking at the ocean. In fact, he seems completely focused on something else! I follow his line of sight and I spot a familiar face. Who the Hell is with my sister, on the beach almost just as close as myself and Hau!? I bolt up to my feet, and make my way over to them, or at least start to, before Hau pulls himself up and stopped me. 

"Gladion." I stiffened, he usually never called me that, "were you going over to Lillie?" Hau inquires,

"Yes, why?" I shoot a question back at him, paranoid. She's my sister! 

"The boy who's with her, that's Sun. I already made him promise me not to hurt her, as her friend and my boyfriend's sister. I trust him, I--" 

"--At least let me meet him for myself, Hau, I trust your judgement, but she is my sister." I cut him off, knowing that Hau would just ramble. I  continue to go over to the couple, but with a calmer look on my face, knowing that Hau trusts this guy. 

"Lillie? I didn't think you'd be here." I try to sound as though we just bumped into each other randomly, and that I totally wasn't getting really pissed at looking at her with that boy. 

Lillie jumps and spins around. When she sees me, she starts to look flustered. 

"Y-yeah, I guess that we just keep bumping into each other?!" She refuses to make eye contact with me. 

"I'm not mad, Lillie, I just wanted to meet your new friend here." I try to sound collected again, I don't want to scare her. 

"My name is Sun." I look at the boy who spoke up. "Nice to meet you. You must be Gladion. Hau talks about you quite a bit!" I shake the extended hand that was offered to me. I look directly into his eyes and whisper,

"Don't hurt her, or I'll hurt you!" I make sure Lillie doesn't hear me. 

Sun firms his handshake, 

"You have my word." 

A/N: I have a math test today, I hope I do well~! 

I'm happy that I was able to get out another chapter for you guys, and the votes and views have been amazing! If you have any requests for OC's or other ideas, I will definitely add them to this book.

 Also, comment on how I am doing, what you like, and what I can improve on~!

Edit: I just reworded some things and fixed a few grammar mistakes. Chapter 23 should be out soon~!

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