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Third Person POV

Hau knocks on Gladion's apartment door. He slowly waits for a response, hearing a muffled "Coming" from inside. Gladion opens the door and lets Hau in, leading the forest-haired boy onto the couch next to him. Hau practically pounced on Gladion and gave him a bear hug.

"I missed you, Gladdi. Sorry." Hau looks at his tanned hands entwined with his boyfriend's pale hands. Gladion lets go of his hand,

"What are you apologizing for? There's nothing wrong with missing me." He pecks Hau on the cheek, wrapping his arm around the him.

"I just thought that I'd be able to get along without you, but I just keep coming back to you. Even two weeks ended up being too much for me." At this statement, Gladion puts his head in the crook of Hau's neck, nuzzling into him.

"It's not just you, I missed you too." Hau readjusted himself so that the two are cuddling comfortably together. They just sat there, holding each other, enjoying each other's presence. Gladion playfully combs Hau's hair through his fingers, smelling the nicely-scented shampoo his boyfriend used. It reminded him of the ocean they went to on a recent date.

Later, the boyfriends found themselves on the couch, watching a movie. Gladion was sitting up straight and Hau was lying down, his head in Gladion's lap. Gladion found himself absent-minded as he stroked Hau's soft hair again.

"Gladdi?" Hau tiredly asks his boyfriend, "When's your birthday?" Hau decides to sit up - the movie had ended, and the pair were facing each other, hazel eyes locked on green. Gladion blushed, he was thinking about asking the same thing!!

"My birthday is on July 17th, so I'm going to be 18 soon." Gladion replied, "When's yours?" Hau laughed,

"My birthday was on April 3rd!! So I turned 17 just recently." Hau beamed, now they know each other's birthdays!! It was late May - right in-between the two's birthdays. Gladion smirked as Hau's smile, he wanted more.

Gladion leaned in, closing the gap between them as he kissed the tan boy on the lips earning a surprised gasp from the boy. Hau let out a soft moan as he kissed Gladion back, gaining confidence and licking his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Gladion happily accepted, opening his mouth slightly and letting out a bit of a groan when he felt Hau's tongue start to swirl around with his own. But Gladion took full control, his tongue won the dance and slid down Hau's throat, causing Hau to gasp yet again.

The two pulled apart, needing air. Hau's shocked expression alone told Gladion that this was all the farther that they would take it, they weren't ready, not yet. Gladion finds himself to be embarrassed, and gets up to take a shower.

Hau sits in shock - that was unlike anything he could have imagined!! Gladion looked so hot, he had this glint in his eyes that seemed almost needing, lustful. Hau shuddered at the thought - they were both underage! He was even shocked that that thought was in his mind!

Gladion got out of the shower, and Hau, not wanting to face him just yet, decided to go and take a shower of his own. Gladion had to stop himself. He still wanted to do it with Hau, but he knew he couldn't neither were ready - that was for sure. Plus, author-chan can't write smut very well.

Hau took a surprisingly long time in the shower, Gladion noticed. Hau sat next to Gladion in his bedroom, both of them on his bed. Gladion noticed that there was a hair band on Hau's wrist. Hau was in Gladion's lap, and Gladion took this opportunity to take the hair band and do his boyfriend's hair.

He had learned about doing hair from Lillie, and he did Lillie's hair for some things after Lusamine wasn't around to do it for her. Gladion split Hau's long hair into three parts, leaving his bangs out of the parts. He slowly started to braid his forest green hair, surprised at how easy his hair was to work with - he hadn't even needed to brush it! Tying the last few pieces together, Gladion kissed Hau's neck from behind, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

Hau turned around, wrapping his arms around Gladion's neck, pulling him into a sweet kiss, then into a gentle hug. The two sat there and eventually fell asleep, not caring about anything else in the world.

A/N: A longer chapter, yay!!! I know that I said something about this chapter being all fluff, and I don't know if I could consider this complete fluff with that make-out session, but oh, well! This was really fun to write, and I will say that I will not be writing any more intense smut than just making-out.

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