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Hau's POV

Sometimes Gladdi scares me. He is so overprotective of both Lillie and I. I understand to a certain extent, but... I don't know. I really like him, but maybe I need to keep my distance for a bit. A little break to break his wall of overprotection, I can fight for myself!! I won't make any plans with him for over a week. It'll be a good thing for the both of us.

I make my way over to the malasada shop where we met and I order the very first small malasada that I've ever had. I just needed a small snack, that's all. Maybe Gladdi's changed something in me.

Moon walked in looking really sad. I go over to her to comfort her, being the nice friend that I am. "Moon, what's wrong?" I ask her, sitting down next to her.

"Hau, could you please buy me a medium spicy malasada? I'm hungry." She buries her face in her hands and leans on the table. This isn't good. Moon always wants spicy food when she is in an angry, sad, or stressed mood. And this situation seems like a mix of all three.

"Ok." I go over and order her one, paying for it myself. When the lady is done making the food, I go back to Moon and find that her head is on the table, and her shoulders are shaking.

"Moon...." I don't want to disturb her, but I need to know what happened, "What's wrong?"

Moon takes a bite out of her malasada and frowns, "My brother is dating Lillie, you knew that right?"


"Well, I completely support them. I hope you do, too."

Where is this conversation going?

"Of course I do!!" I explain,



"Gladion's been acting different lately - not that it's a bad thing! He's been less rude to me, and he's been showing more emotion, I just... it's just... he won't tell me why!! And I'm scared for him. What's happening to him?! Is he being manipulated by some nice freak?! I- I--" Moon starts to sob. What have I done?

"Gladion's fine," I reassure her, comforting her, pulling her into an embrace, "I don't know why he didn't tell you, I never told him not to tell!!" Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say,

"You know what's going on?!?!?!"

"Well, I have a hunch." I state, reassuring her,

"Tell me."

"Well, Gladion and I are dating, I bet that that's had a bit of influence on his behavior." I explain gently, smiling at her.

"You're...dating." Moon sighs, then continues, "Well, congrats, I guess. And thanks for being there for him, and changing him for the better. I guess I'll be going, then." Moon gets up and slowly walks out of the shop, taking her malasada with her.

Well, that was weird. 

A/N: I'm doing this instead of homework, oops ;) 

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