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Gladion's POV

I hope that Hau is doing alright. After he texted me, I realized that I hadn't even thought about coming out myself!! But for me, the only one that I need to worry about is Lillie, and she's my sister, she should be fine with it. I am still at Kukui's place with Lillie, and she went out to do some errands for the Professor, leaving me all by myself in the beach house. I told myself that I would tell Lillie when she came back, hoping that she'll be fine with it, I mean, Hau's her friend, right? 

Lillie returned about 25 minutes after she left, which was sooner than I had thought she would, but that's OK, because I didn't like being all by myself in the Prof's house. 

"Hey, Lillie?" I start out. OK, Gladion, you can do this. 

"Hmm?" She responds, starting to unpack the groceries that she got. 

"I need to let you know that I... well I uh...." I start to panic, how do I start? Lillie turns to me.

"What is it, you can tell me anything." She responds with a smile, making me feel assured that she would be fine with whatever secret that I am going to tell her. But this is kind of a big deal.

"I just wanted you to know that I am, well, gay." I avert my eyes from hers and look down at my trembling hands. She takes my hand in hers and I look into her pretty green eyes that so reflect mine. I immediately stop shaking at her touch.

"Thanks for telling me. I'm fully supportive." She states, giving my hand a squeeze before turning to continue unpacking the groceries. Good. Step one completed. Now to tell her who I am dating. I hear Lillie mumble something under her breath. 

"What was that?" I ask, frowning. She turns to me and smiles,

"Oh, I was just wondering who the lucky guy was!" She smirks almost evilly in an expression that I have never seen on my sweet little sister before. I feel myself turning red. 

"Ah! U-um... it's Hau..." I reply, looking down at my feet, not wanting to see her reaction. 

"Hau?" She curiously questions me to confirm my answer. 

"Yeah." I say. All I hear is a little "oh." from Lillie before she finishes putting the groceries away. She swiftly walks past me and climbs up to her loft, throwing herself on her bed. Did I say something wrong? I hope that she doesn't have a crush on Hau. I hesitantly climb up the loft and sit down next to Lillie. To my relief, I don't hear any sniffles, and her body is still with her face stuffed into her pillow. 

"Lillie? What's wrong?" I ask. She turns, 

"I'm glad for you, I really am. Hau is a lucky boy." She starts to smile but then she bursts into tears, "Sorry, Gladion, it's just that I am really happy for you, I can't contain my joy!!" She threw herself into my arms and I cradle her until she composes herself. "To be honest with you Gladion, I started dating Sun a bit ago, and I was wanting to tell you, so thanks for coming out first, I could hardly contain myself any longer!" She then starts to laugh a big, bright, bubbly laugh that made me laugh, too. Well, that went better than I thought.

I hope that Hau was able to come out without having any troubles. 

A/N: I almost started crying during this chapter, I love it!! Writing this has been so much fun, thanks for the support!! How will Hau come out to Hala? Well, let me think about that for a bit...

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