t w e n t y - f i v e

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A/N: 70 votes!! And over 900 views!! Wow!!

I don't want Gladdi to be mad at me. It's been almost two weeks and I am really missing him right now. I wanted to show that I was strong, but I can't bring myself to admit that I did anything interesting or remotely fun in the past weeks without him. I'm 16, for Arceus's sake!! Why can't I be independent!

I wonder when Gladdi's birthday is.

The thought about how terrible it is that I don't know his birthday and he doesn't know mine just appals me. We're boyfriends, for Arceus's sake!! We should know these kind of things by now! What I could really use right now is a time with him, just to be with him. To talk, have a bit of fun. I'll make arrangements. No. Wait. I should surprise him!!

I go over to his house and knock on the door. There waiting for him made me extremely nervous for some reason. The door opens, revealing my Gladion in a loose sweatshirt and sweatpants. That's exactly what I was wearing!! Something comfortable and relaxing. I smile at him and he hugs me, tight. We stay there at the doorway in each other's arms for a few minutes before he leads me inside. 

I am sooooooo sorry that this took so long!! It's also really short, but there is going to be lots of fluff in the next chapter, so I hope it's longer. Thanks for all of the support!!

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