t w e n t y - o n e

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Hau's POV

Gladdi looks so nervous! I know that my Tutu can be intimidating, but I thought that Gladdi would be able to hold his own. I don't know what to do!! Gladdi looks so nervous, and I can't think of what to do to help him! Normally, under a (very rare) circumstance that this would happen, I would go over and kiss him to give him more confidence and to make him feel better, but I can't do that in front of Tutu! At least not without the two getting to know each other. An idea popped into my head, and I grab Gladdi's hand. 

"Wh-what are you doing, Hau?!?" Gladdi asks me,

"Don't worry, Gladdi~! I have an idea. I take him over to the kitchen. I'm going to bring them some baked goods to talk over instead of just plain awkward air. I grab the box of cinnamon rolls and take them out to the coffee table, and Gladdi brings out the plates from the cabinet that I showed him. We take the snack over to where Tutu was sitting, on the coffee table near the couch. No one sat on the couch, we all took chairs separate from each other, and it ended up that Gladdi and I were sitting across the table from Tutu.

The atmosphere was lifted when we started to eat the cinnamon rolls, and Tutu offered drinks for us. I had some coffee with really sweet chocolate-hazelnut creamer and Gladdi had his coffee black. Why am I not surprised? 

"So," Tutu starts off, time to get to buisiness, "You are Hau's boyfriend, Gladion, right?" 

"Correct," Gladdi states in an even tone. 

"Do you swear to always protect him?" Tutu inquires, This is starting to sound like marriage vows. 

"I would kill myself if I didn't protect him." This statement from my boyfriend caused me to gasp. 

"No, Gladion!! Never take your own life over me!" I cut in, grabbing his hand. "Even if you can't be there once, it's not worth the pain you would give me for taking your own life." I am starting to get choked up. I can feel Gladdi start to panic, and his hand tightened against mine. 

"Hau, that's just an expression!! I'll always be there to protect you!" Gladdi pulls me into a hug and calms me down. 

"Well, I think that's enough for me to trust you, Gladion. You are always welcome here." We are interrupted by Tutu, and we both beam with relief. 

A/N: Well, that was fun, thanks for keeping with me!! 

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