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"WHAT?!?" You can't be quitting! My boy, you've done so much for us." Guzma shouted at me through the phone. I flinched, making the boss mad I knew would happen, but it still hurt. Guzma thought so well of me, I did so much for him. But my heart was elsewhere now.

"You heard him, Guzma, and you know he's stubborn." I hear Plumeria's voice on the other line. "And you know that once he's got his heart set on something- he's going to keep it that way." I was surprised at the calmness of her voice- I thought that she'd be more pissed than Guzma. I couldn't help but to suspect something. I wait awkwardly on the phone for a few minutes to hear Plumeria and Guzma arguing about something, then heard as small click as the other phone was turned off. 

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