s i x t e e n

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Gladion's POV.

I ran over to my hotel room, and I threw myself in the shower. I turned on a cool temperature, needing to cool off after that unexpected make-out session. I still can't get over the fact that Hau and I were making out outside of that bowling alley. Hau pulled in my head for a kiss, which was fine, but then I had to deepen it so far! I still can't get over the fact that Hau is my boyfriend! He loved me the same way that I loved him!

I was cold and unforgiving before I met Hau. No one to care for aside from my sister, nowhere to go for comfort. No one to go to when I needed help. But now he's there. And God, am I grateful for that. My boyfriend. He's perfect for me. I would never believe old Guzma when he said that opposites attract, but now it makes perfect sense. Guzma was like a father to me, a figure that I never had. I do feel bad that I had to quit out on him like that, but Team Skull will disband eventually anyway. 

~the next day~

I make a plan to go out and see Lillie. I need to clear things up a bit for her. I need her to become a part of my life again. Hau told me that she was staying with Prof. Kukui, so I decided to go there. Making my way onto the beach reminded me of that first battle with Hau. I silently smiled at the thought, look how far we've come since then! I knock on Kukui's door, both nervous and excited to see my little sister. The Prof opened the door and frowned, 

"Who're you?" he asked me, 

"Gladion," I say bluntly. I hear Lillie gasp from the other room, then a series of footsteps to get to me. 

"Gladion~!" She exclaims, slapping me across the face before tackling me in a hug. 

I laugh, "What was that for?" I ask. 

"For lack of contacting. You left me alone with mother, and she became even worse to me!" Lillie explains. We then turn to Kukui, before deciding to go talk downstairs in the basement for some privacy. 

"When you left me in the Aether foundation, mother was so angry, and she took out the anger on me, doubling the experiments for 'better test results'" Lillie hugs me yet again and I immediately feel a tug in my chest - those experiments were tough! 

"I'm so sorry, Lillie. Truly I am." I apologize, kissing her softly on the forehead, and lifting her gaze to mine, "I'll never leave you alone again." This, of course was true, I loved her, and I swore that she would never get hurt because of me as long as I lived. It's my duty as a brother, after all!

A/N~~ Hi guys!! I know that it has been a long time, and I hope you still like this chapter. I will update again as soon as possible, so comment suggestions, check out my other stories in the mean time, vote, and follow me!!~~~

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