f i f t e e n

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Hau's POV

"Gladion, are we official?" This question had been bothering me for some time now, and it plagued me not to know an answer. Gladdi blushed and glanced to the ground. He starts to stutter,

"I-I don't know. Uhm... I guess that we could b-be if you wanted us to be!" He looks away from me shyly, down at our ridiculously patterned rental bowling shoes.

"I'd like to be, if you don't mind." I give him a straightforward statement. I truly did, and the thought of having a super-cool boyfriend like Gladdi made me beam on the inside. I was surprised to see Gladdi smile. God, I love that smile.

Gladion leaned in, "Glad we could clear that up, it was plaguing me, too." He kisses my forehead, causing me to laugh. We continue our game and I end up beating him! Yes!! I'm glad that I am better than him at something, because it was hard to find a blemish in the blonde.

We play another game and I beat him again, but he was alright with it. We had so much fun!! "Gladdi!" I call out to him before he leaves. "Let's hang out like this again sometime." I reach out to him and kiss him, and he kisses me back. We stand there, tongues dancing by the light of the stars, in a full embrace. Gladion is the one to pull apart, leaving a string of saliva connecting us.

"Hau..." Gladion stares off into the distance. "Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun." I then watch him run out into the night. 

A/N: Ugg! I'm so bad at writing stuff like that! (Y'know, the kissing) I hope you liked it, and we have reached another step in the Haudion/Cutebonesshipping chapter of love! Vote, Comment (Please, I need suggestions and/or feedback) and Follow!---

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