e p i l o g u e

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Third Person POV

10 years later

Hau and Gladion were sitting together on their couch, watching as their twin daughters were playing together on the floor, ignoring the TV blaring in the back. Hau smiles, and kisses his husband, on the cheek lovingly, proud of their journey together.

The couple had decided to adopt kids, twins at that. They were about nine, and would start their Pokemon journey's in two years. Their names were Alexis and Gene, and they had dark blonde hair and brown eyes. Their hair had been styled very long, even much longer than their fathers, curls falling surprisingly effortlessly down their backs.

These twins were the world to Hau and Gladion. The family still lived in Alola, in Mele-Mele island. The house pet, Rockruff, ran over and played with the twins.

It really was a happy ever after. 

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