t w e n t y - f o u r

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Gladion's POV

Hau is being somewhat distant, but that's OK. Honestly, I needed a break after that thing with Lillie and that Sun guy. I think that Hau did, too, and I hope that I didn't scare him. I can be pretty scary sometimes and I was pretty pissed at first. I guess you could say that I'm a bit overprotective. I just don't want anything to happen to my precious sister after all of the abuse she's went through. Or Hau, for that matter. I wasn't lying to him when I said that I'd kill myself if I wasn't able to protect him. I really would, but I won't tell Hau or else he would cry, and I couldn't bear it if I made him cry.

Hau.... how do I put this?? He's endearing. Precious. Pure. After this little break thing ends, whoever breaks first, that is, I want to hang out with Hau in my apartment, just to talk. Nothing would bother us there. We might even be able to.......well, no. Not yet.

I just realized that Hau doesn't know when my birthday is!! And I don't know when his is either!! I didn't even think of the fact that I am almost legally an adult, and Hau is what, 16? Yeah. That sounds right. I wonder if the laws about our relationship would change when I am 18. Would we still be allowed to date?

A/N: I actually don't know the rules on this, any help?

But I can't think of that right now. I recently got a text from a former acquaintance named N. He said that I was to make a Pokemon carrier that looks like an airplane bag for him. Apparently, he wants to sneak some sick Pokemon out of the Unova region to feel better in the warmer climate of Alola. I agreed to help him. I buy some fabric from a store and the clerk was surprised to see me getting blues and greens - colors that I usually don't wear just on regular errands.

I buy a sewing kit as well, and I get to work. The carrier has to be about 2x5x2 feet to hold the little Pokemon. I accidentally prick my finger on one of the needles, but I'm fine. It didn't bleed much. I wonder when this will get done?

A/N: Aha!! I bet you didn't expect N to be in this story! I honestly didn't either, and I don't know if he'll be in it aside from the "Save the Pokemon" thing. Hope you like, and answer my question, pls. Reminder: Hau is 16, Gladion is 17, Lillie is 15, Moon and Sun are 16, etc. 

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