t w e n t y - n i n e

159 4 21

Third Person POV

Hau sat down at the table, and Gladion beamed, hiding his nerves. They ordered their meals, Hau blushing as he ordered, knowing that his boyfriend would pay for the entire bill. 

They sat their and talked about who knows what throughout the meal, although Gladion was only making small talk to take his mind off of things. They finished their meals, and sat at their spot, waiting for the waitress. Gladion stood up and slowly made his way over to Hau's seat, not caring that the waitress was there watching the two. 

Gladion pulled a small black box out of his back pocket and hid it behind his back, taking Hau's hand in his. The waitress, who was secretly a yaoi fan, sensed what was going on and went out to grab some tissues for her nose. 

Gladion went down on his right knee, popping open the box, revealing a shiny gold ring. Hau gasped.

"Hau," Gladion started, happy that he didn't stutter, "will you marry me?" The waitress was back now and was having a mini fangirl attack in the background. 

"Oh, Gladion! Of course!!" Hau exclaimed, pulling Gladion up and giving him an excited, passionate kiss, the whole restaurant now watching the two. Gladion broke away and slipped the ring onto Hau's left hand. 

The nearby tables cheered at the two's new relation. The waitress brought out an impromptu free dessert for the fiances, and finally cleared her nosebleed. 

The dessert was all but forgotten when they made their way to Gladion's bedroom that night. 

A/N: Oof! That all happened really quickly. I the next update will be an epilogue of the two later in their beautiful rainbow life. Thanks for the 1.3k views and the almost 80 votes, it's really more than I could have imagined after posting those first ten chapters at the beginning. 

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