f o u r t e e n

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 I come to realize that I am going to be late for our 'date' at the bowling alley. "Lillie, I have to go, see you later" I give her a quick hug before going. I quickly comb through my hair with my fingers to look presentable, even though bowling is really casual. I make my way over to the bowling alley, and I walk in. "Gladdiiiiiiiiiii" I am tackled by a hug by my boyfriend, wait, Gladion, you're not even official yet, right?

"So, how are you?" I ask Hau, making small talk.

"Am I what?" Hau looks at me, confused.

"Like, how have you been doing?"

"What have I been do--- Oh!" Hau exclaims, "Like HOW not HAU, yeah, I've been fine, HOW about you?" Hau blushes from embarrassment, then smiles.

"I've been fine as well. But you seem a bit off today, what's that about?" I ask him.

Hau then proceeds to tell me about Lillie and what happened to him today. My heart broke, I hadn't even considered that! Dammit, Gladion, you always misjudge people.

"I am so sorry," I start, "If you see Lillie again anytime soon tell her that I am alright, and that we will be able to talk sometime, give her my number!" I frantically try to recover from my embarrassment.

"It's alright, Gladdi" Hau reassures me, "I'm sure she'll understand." We make our way over to one of the lanes. Lane 9. Hmm, 9 is my lucky number, this should be good. We start to play in a bit of an awkward silence when suddenly,

"Gladion, are we official?" 

~~~A/N: HI GUYYYYSSS! SO! I FINALLY USED THE 'HAU' PUN AND I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF IT. CHAPTER 15 IS ON IT'S WAY! I hope that you enjoy this, vote, comment, add, follow, etc.!!!!!!!!!!!~~~

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