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Gladion was relieved that there wasn't many people there, as he was a bit anti-social. Only Hau, a girl he didn't know, Lillie, Wait, what?, and two adults that had the same skin tone as Hau. Perhaps relatives? Gladdion still didn't know what to do. "So, now what?" he asked Hau, politely. "I have to introduce you to everyone!" Hau replied loudly, turning the attention on him.

"Everyone, this is Gladion. Gladion, that girl right there is Moon, she is with her friend Lillie." Hau starts. Lillie avoided eye contact with Gladion, as Gladion was confused. Lillie, why are you here of all places, shouldn't you be safe at home? "And next we have Kukui, and Hala!" Hau shouts, beaming. The two adults wave in response, both seem to be as happy as Hau.

"Hey..." says Gladion, looking first at Moon, skipping over Lillie, and then glancing at Hala and Kukui. He supposed it wasn't that bad, but why was his sister out? True, he hadn't been home for quite a while, but she would have had to escape and run away from their mom to get here, and that would not prove to be easy.

"Let's go have some fun, Gladdi!" Hau calls. The two boys run off out by the river. The temperature of the water was soothing, it calmed them. Hau took off his shirt, as he was wearing swim trunks underneath. Gladion didn't bring a swimsuit, but he took of his shirt because of the heat, and to stop himself from staring. "OH!, I should have told you to bring a swimsuit, Gladdi, sorry." Hau apologized, blushing at the sight of Gladion's skinny and surprisingly bruised body. What could have happened to Gladdi? He seems so injured... Hau's thoughts wandered as he absentmindedly started staring at the individual bruises on his body, going to be permanent scars. 

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