t h i r t e e n

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Gladion's POV

I'm not surprised that Hau was the next one to make a move. Wait. Should I use proper grammar in my texting? Hau always does...I find myself becoming more self- conscious in front of him, which I suppose is a good thing. Arg! I just can't get him out of my mind!

I go out to the docks where Hau and I first battles. God, those were good days. Now our relationship is stagnant. I hear the faint voice of crying in the distance. I follow my senses out to the longest dock, where I see a girl there. Upon closer inspection, I see that it is Lillie! I must go and help her.

I make my way over to the edge and sit down. She stirs and looks up at me. "G-Gladion!" she lets out a little yelp, and throws herself into me. I sit there and comfort her as she pours out all of her emotions into my chest. "You're alive..." she sighs. We sit there comforting each other, and I explain everything- starting with when I had ran away. She explained too, and we made an agreement to help each other from here on out. Dammit mom, you bitch. Why did you have to hurt Lillie so much. My mother is going insane.

---A/N: A siblings chapter <3 Hope you like. Vote, Comment, Follow, you know the drill. ~~~<3---

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