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A/N: Yes!! I reached 400 views!! And 50 votes, this is now my most voted on story. Thanks so much for the support, I really appreciate it~!

Hau's POV

"Hey, Tutu? I'm gay." The words came out of my mouth before I could even think about what I was saying. All I had to do now was to wait. I knew that Gladion would speak to Lillie and that Lillie would tell Moon and Sun, so all I had to do was tell Tutu, and I just did. 

"You!! Oh." Tutu stopped and then began to laugh. "Thanks for telling me, my boy!! Though I could have guessed by the way you acted - or rather didn't act - in front of Moon and Lillie! So, do you like Sun then? Hmm?" He winked at me and I blushed. I hadn't really had much interaction with Sun at all! I usually hung out with his twin Moon. 

"Ah! N-no, I'm not dating Sun." I say nervously. 

"Oh, so your dating somebody~!" Tutu exclaims. I mentally facepalmed myself, but I guess that this little slip-up led me to tell who I was dating. 

"His name is Gladion, and he is really nice to me." At this statement, Tutu's smile turned into a frown. 

"Gladion - as in that punk from Team Skull? I'm disappointed in you, Hau." He glares at me. I need to explain, and fast. Once Tutu has set his heart against something, there's no going back with what he decides. 

"Tutu, he's not in Team Skull anymore!! And he really cares for me. He would never hurt me, Tutu!!" I try to point out the good in my boyfriend to him, and it works, surprisingly.  

"Well, Hau, I trust your judgement, but I'm going to want to meet this boy as soon as possible." He pats me on the back and I sigh of relief. Having Tutu meet my Gladdi shouldn't be too hard, now, should it? Gladion is smart, he'll be able to win Tutu over. I hope. 

A/N: I sure have updated a lot in the past days, haven't I!! Don't get used to it, though. I hope you like this~!

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