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Hau's POV

Gladdi looked so hot without his shirt on yesterday!!! But I wonder where the bruises came from? I looked out the window, picturing him standing there with his beautiful emerald eyes, and smooth pale skin, his emo haircut all wet from the water. And his smile, oh his smile as bright as the sun! He never smiled in front of me before, and now I feel as though I completed something in my life, to get him to smile. I don't know what I was thinking when I kissed him, I was just so excited, but he did kiss me back, which felt amazing, both inside and out.

I went out to the nearby malasada shop, wanting to indulge myself in something special for breakfast, as I was in a very good mood. I was surprised to see Lillie there, by herself. She looked lonely so I went over to her after buying myself a few (OK, so it was about half a dozen) malasadas. She gave a weak smile when she saw me there, before going back to a frown, her head in her hands. "What's wrong, Lillie?" I ask her. She looks up at me with her pretty blue eyes and I could sense the concern in her face.

"It's about the festival the other day..." she started, "Gladion was there, and I was really happy, so I wanted to talk to him, but then..." she stops for a bit, shaking. "He n-never looked at me, and he seemed to be avoiding m-me." She paused again, and took a deep breath. "But you!" she almost yelled, "You were with him the entire time! He could have said something to me, and yet... he didn't, I hadn't seen him in over three years and the day I am assured that he is safe, we don't even make eye contact." A tear of anger and sadness dripped down her cheek and fell onto her skirt. I put my arm around her, caressing her in my grip until she calmed down. Thankfully it was pretty loud in here, or we would have caused a scene. Then I remembered that this is the place where I met my Gladion. Ok, Hau, you can't just call him that yet, you don't know how he feels about you. Lillie gets up to leave and gives me a quick hug of thanks before dashing off, probably to go to Moon or something.

I walked outside of the shop, hoping to catch a glimpse of gold or emerald when I walked to the beach with the docks that Gladion and I had a battle at. I sighed at the bitter taste of defeat, but then smiled at how far we had come because of it. 

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