The First Day

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-Santana’s (POV)-

-Santana’s Room-

I’m laying in bed I’m supposed be getting ready for work. I work at the Spotlight Diner with Berry and Fabray I really don’t feel like going to work today. I hear a pounding at my door and Fabray yelling. I roll over and shove my face into my pillow.


I groan and push myself up I let the blankets slid off of my body I get out of bed and answer my door.

Quinn: It’s about damn time.

Santana: I don’t want to go to work today you should go without me, plus you have Berry that can help you around today.

Quinn sighs and puts her hands on her waist.

Quinn: Does this have to do with the fact that Brittany dumped you?

I sigh and a flashback hits me.

-Santana’s Flashback-

It’s a beautiful summer day Santana and Brittany are sitting on the beach together. They are silent Santana is playing with the sand next to her.

Brittany: Did you hear what I said?

Santana: I heard all of it Britt I just don’t understand it.

Brittany: We are just too far from each other and I don’t think that we can work out anymore.

Santana: Britt we’ve been together for almost four years and you want to throw that away just because we are “Too far” from each other.

Brittany: I had a connection to someone.

Santana: A guy?

Brittany: No a girl her name is Trish and she is really nice.

Santana: So you are dumping me for this Trish girl?

Brittany: I’m sorry Sanny.

Brittany kisses Santana on the cheek she gets up and walks off leaving Santana alone Santana starts to sob into her hands.

-End of Flashback-

Quinn is looking at me and I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

Santana: No this has nothing to with Britt.

I lied. I know that it’s not right to lie but, I just don’t want to hear another damn lecture about How “It’s going to get better” “You are better off without her” or my favorite one “It’s her loss not yours” I look at Quinn again.

Quinn: Are you sure?

Santana: Yeah I’m sure. Why don’t you head to work? I’ll be there as soon as I get ready.

Quinn: All right fine but, if you don’t show up ten minutes after I do I will come here and drag your ass out of bed, got it?

Santana: Got it.

Quinn walks off and I shut my door and start to get ready for work.

-Rachel’s (POV)-

-Spotlight Diner-

I’m wiping tables off at the Spotlight Diner I’m like five minutes early but my boss Gunther don’t care if you are early he actually likes it. I see Quinn walk into the diner she has her uniform on I smile and walk up to her.

You Make My Heart Race (A Faberry and Dantana Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now