I have Something to Tell You Part 1

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-Quinn's (POV)-


I'm in a room waiting for my instructor to get here I'm here for my piano lesson (Yes I know kind of weird) I actually like learning how to play its fun. I take out my phone and look at my Twitter for a little bit after a while I hear someone clear their throat I look up and see...

Quinn: What are you doing here Dani?

Dani: Oh Professor Dickson couldn't make it today so he called me and asked me to teach you today.

I smile Dani was my instructor before Professor Dickson became my instructor. I always preferred Dani over him (Only because Dani is nicer to me and she shows me what keys to play Professor Dickson just tells me to do it) he is this old grumpy man who yells at you for messing up a "Good" song. I didn't notice that Dani was looking at me until she said something.

Dani: I hope that you don't mind.

Quinn: Oh no I don't mind.

Dani: Are you ready to start?

Quinn: I sure am.

Dani walks to a piano and sits I sit next to her and we begin.

-Santana's (POV)-

-Dani and Santana's Apartment-

I'm at the apartment I'm in my room sitting on my bed going through a box of my stuff I kind have to clear my head because Brittany has been texting me (I've been ignoring her of course but its bugging me) there is a knock on the door.

Santana: COME IN!

The door opens and I hear footsteps approaching my room.

Rachel: The fun has finally arrived.

I look up and see Rachel standing in the doorway smiling.

Santana: Why are you all smiley?

Rachel: I'm just in a good mood that's all.

Santana: That's great Rach.

I sigh and lay on my bed I put my arm over my eyes I hang my legs off the edge of the bed.

Rachel: What's going on with you?

I mumble my answer.

Santana: Brittany has been texting me.

Rachel: I'm sorry it sounded like you said that Brittany has been texting you.

I sigh again and sit up I look at Rachel.

Santana: You heard right.

Rachel sighs and sits next to me on the bed her smile became a frown.

Rachel: What has she been saying? Have you been texting her back? Did you tell Dani about it?

Santana: She's been saying that she still loves me, she wants me to give her a second chance and she wants me to meet up with her. No I haven't been texting her back and no I haven't told Dani yet.

Rachel: Do you plan on telling her?

Santana: I don't know because I don't know how she react to it.

I hear the door open than close. I get up and walk out of my room with Rachel behind me. Dani is taking off her jacket and hanging it up.

Santana: Hi baby.

Dani turns and faces us she smiles.

Dani: Hi babe and Rachel.

Rachel: Hi Dani. How was your lesson with Quinn?

Santana: You had a lesson with Quinn?

Dani: Yeah Professor Dickson couldn't make it so he called me and asked if I could do it for him.

Santana: Do you get paid for it?

Dani: Yes he is going to give me one hundred dollars for today.

Dani kisses me and walks to the kitchen Rachel gives me a look and I return it. I look into the kitchen and Dani is looking at us she has a glass of water in her hand.

Dani: What's going on between you two?

Santana & Rachel: Nothing.

Dani sets the cup onto the counter and crosses her arms.

Dani: You know I've been around you guys for a while now and I know the looks you give each other. The look that Rachel just gave you is the "You have to tell Dani something" look. The look that you gave Rachel is the "I will tell her later" look. So, what is it?

I sigh.

Santana: You might want to come and sit.

Dani walks out of the kitchen and into the living room and sits on the couch.

Sorry guys I put a cliff hanger. How do you think Dani will react? Do you think that she will be upset? Anyways I'm sorry this is short.

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