It's Brittany Bitch

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I was going to post this earlier but we had horrible storms and the internet stopped working so I couldn’t post it anyways I hope that you guys enjoy it. I also want to say thank you to everyone who is commenting and voting and of course reading it. I really appreciate the feedback. I also want to say sorry for the title I didn't know what to call it.

-Quinn’s (POV)-

-Quinn and Rachel’s Apartment-

I can’t believe that she is here I thought that she left New York.

Quinn: I thought that I told you to never come back here.

Brittany: I know I just came by to talk to Rachel.

Quinn: Why do you need to talk to her?

Brittany: Look Quinn I know what I did was wrong and I’m sorry I was kind of under the influence. You know that I would never ever try to get at your girlfriend plus I don’t like Rachel I love someone else.

Quinn: You do realize that Santana has moved on right? She loves someone else now.

Brittany: Who that Dani girl? Come on Quinn that won’t last and you know it.

Quinn: I wouldn’t say that Dani makes her happy.

I feel arms go around my waist.

Rachel: Hey baby what’s…

Rachel stops talking I’m guessing that she saw Brittany.

Rachel: What are you doing here?

Brittany: I came here to apologize I was under the influence when I came onto you.

Rachel: Well that’s still no excuse, but I guess I forgive you.

Quinn: I don’t.

Rachel looks at me.

Quinn: I don’t care if she was under the influence or not it gave her no right to hit on you like she did. I don’t care if you were one of my best friends as far as I’m concerned best friends don’t hit on their best friend’s girlfriends or boyfriends.

Brittany: Okay I can accept that but I am still in New York and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, so if you want to talk or if you decide to forgive me you know my number. Oh and here is my address just in case you want to stop by and talk.

Brittany hands me a piece of paper I grab it slowly I look at it.

Quinn: I don’t think that I will ever stop by but thanks I guess.

Brittany: Okay.

Brittany walks off and I shut the door I turn and face Rachel.

Rachel: Do you think that she meant it when she said that she was sorry?

Quinn: I don’t know.

I walk to the kitchen and set the paper into a bowl.

Rachel: Are you going to tell Santana that Brittany is still in New York?

Quinn: I have to.

I take out my phone and text Santana.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Dani and Santana’s Apartment-

Dani and I are cuddling on the couch watching “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” My phone goes off and I grab it from the table I look at new message from Quinn.

Q: I have something to tell you.

S: Okay what is it?

Q: Brittany is still in New York.

S: Really?

Q: Yeah and she said that she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

S: I kind of figured that she wouldn’t leave New York without a fight.

I sigh and sit up Dani looks at me.

Dani: What’s up?

Santana: Brittany is still in New York.

I look down at my phone because it went off.

Q: What are you going to do about it?

S: Nothing. I mean there is nothing that I can do about it other than ignore her as much as I can.

Q: What if that doesn’t work?

S: Idk I’ll figure it out though.

Q: All right just remember that we are here if you need anything.

S: Okay thanks.

Q: No problem.

I set my phone back onto the table and lean back onto Dani she wraps her arms around me.

Dani: You okay?

Santana: No but I will be.

Dani kisses me on the head.

-Rachel’s (POV)-

-Quinn and Rachel’s Apartment-

Quinn sets her phone onto the table and sighs I look at her.

Rachel: What did San say?

Quinn: Just that she kind of figured that Britt wouldn’t leave New York without a fight.

Rachel: So I’m guessing that she isn’t going to stop trying to get Santana back.

Quinn: No she isn’t going to stop but, she should I mean I haven’t seen Santana this happy in forever. Why doesn’t Britt see that?

Rachel: Because she still loves her and it is hard to let someone you love go.

Quinn: She is the one who broke up with San so it’s her fault. I mean what did she expect? Did she honestly think that San would wait for her to figure out that she wanted her instead of that bitch Trish? I honestly do not know how someone could hurt someone that they love.

Rachel: Everyone is different baby.

I grab Quinn’s hand she smiles at me and I smile back.

Quinn: I love you.

Rachel: I love you too.

I kiss Quinn on the cheek.

Quinn: We should go out or something.

Rachel: I can’t I have work tomorrow and then after work I have to go to class.

Quinn: Yeah I have class in the afternoon.

Rachel: So you won’t be here for dinner?

Quinn: No I won’t be.

Rachel: Maybe we could meet for lunch?

Quinn: Sure.

Rachel: Where do you want to go?

Quinn: Why don’t we go to Hector’s Mexican Grill?

Rachel: Okay I love that place.

Quinn: I know.

Quinn smiles and I smile back she kisses me I kiss her back.

What did you think of this part? What do you think Brittany is going to do? Do you think that Santana will be okay? What do  you think Santana is going to do?

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