Can I Stay With You?

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-Rachel's (POV)-

-The Loft-

I walk into the loft and see Brittany sitting on the couch Santana and Quinn look at me they get up and walk up to me. The three of us walk to the kitchen.

Rachel: What is Brittany doing here?

Quinn: Her girlfriend broke up with her and she had nowhere to go.

Rachel: Well she can't stay here we have no room plus I don't think that Santana will be comfortable with her being here.

Santana: I can always call Dani and see if I can stay there until Brittany leaves.

Rachel: Where will Brittany stay?

Quinn: We have the pull out bed.

I sigh.

Rachel: All right fine but, you and I are going to talk later Quinn.

Quinn: Okay.

Santana walks off to call Dani.

-Dani's (POV)-

-Dani's Apartment-

I'm sitting at my desk writing a song when my phone goes off. I pick it up and look at the caller ID it is Santana.

Dani: Hey Santana.

Santana: Hi Dani I have a big big big question for you.

Dani: Okay. What is it?

Santana: I know that this might sound weird but do you think that I could stay at your place for a while?

I sit there and think about it.

Santana: I'll understand if you say no.

Dani: No its totally fine but you're gonna have to explain to me what's going on.

Santana: Deal do you think that you can come and get me?

Dani: Of course I can I'll be there soon.

Santana: Okay see you soon.

Dani: See you.

Santana and I hang up. I get up and grab my keys I leave my apartment.

-Santana's (POV)-

-Santana's Room-

I'm packing a duffle bag to go to Dani's there is a light knock on my door I look over and see Rachel I smile a little.

Rachel: I'm sorry about this Santana.

Santana: It’s all good Rachel it’s not your fault.

Rachel: You know if I was here I would have told you to leave right?

Santana: I should have left anyways and Quinn was just trying to be a good friend.

Rachel: I know but you shouldn't have had to be in that situation.

I smile and hug Rachel.

Santana: Thanks Rach.

Rachel: You're welcome.

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