Getting Away

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I can’t believe that this story already has 2,000 reads it’s amazing thank you guys so much. I also want to say sorry in advance if there are any mistakes I’m writing this in the dark and I’m kind of half-awake and half asleep (I kind of fell asleep on the chair writing this) anyways I hope that you enjoy it. :o)

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Dani’s Car-

I wake up from my small nap that I took I look around we are at a gas station and Dani isn’t in the car. I don’t recognize where we are. Dani walks out of the gas station she has a bag of stuff. She gets into the car.

Dani: Well hi.

Santana: Hey.

I stretch.

Santana: What is in the bag?

Dani just smiles.

Dani: It’s a surprise.

Santana: Awe come on.

Dani: Nope I’m not telling you’re just going to have to wait and see.

Dani pulls out of the gas station.

Santana: Where are we anyways? We aren’t out of New York are we?

Dani: No we are in Hardenburgh New York.

Santana: What are we doing here?

Dani: You will see.

Dani continues to drive down the road than she turns on another road and a mountain comes into view.

Santana: We are going to the mountains?

Dani: Yeah.

Santana:  I didn’t even know that New York had mountains.

Dani: I didn’t either until I looked it up.

Dani smiles and parks the car she grabs the bag she unbuckles herself and gets out of the car so do.


Once I’m outside I feel the nice cool breeze and I smell the pine trees Dani locks her car.

Dani: How do you feel about taking a 6.23 mile hike?

Santana: Let’s do it.

Dani: All right.

We set off on the trail I don’t know how long we walked for but we get to a great view.

Dani: This is Bear’s Den.

Santana: Wow this view is amazing you should stand there and I’ll take a picture.

Dani: Why don’t you take one with me?

Santana: Okay.

I stand next to Dani and she puts her arm around my waist I take a picture of her and me. I show it to her.

Dani: I want the pic too.

Santana: You got it.

I smile and we continue to hike the trail.

Santana: This must be Prospect Rock.

Dani: That’s what the sign said. Here give me your phone I’ll take a picture.

Santana: Why don’t you take a picture on your phone of me?

Dani: I would have thought that you would want a pic of you on your phone.

Santana: I have plenty of those.

Dani: All right stand there and I’ll take a pic.

I stand where Dani can see the view Dani takes out her phone and takes a picture she shows it to me.

Dani: Look at that beautiful girl.

I blush a little.

Santana: Thanks your turn.

Dani: Okay.

Dani sets down the bag and turns towards me she flashes me a smile showing her teeth and I take a picture of her I look it than show it to her.

Santana: Do you like it?

Dani: All that matters is if you like it.

Dani grabs the bag and we head down the trail again.

Dani: Here is alligator rock.

Santana: Let’s take a picture together.

Dani: Your wish is my command.

Dani sets the bag on a rock and grabs her phone and sets it up on a rock she pushes a button and quickly runs to me I put my arm around her and we make funny faces. Her phone makes a click noise and Dani runs to her phone and looks at the picture.

Dani: We should do one more.

Santana: All right.

Dani sets her phone back on the place that she had it before she runs to me I jump on her back and look at her phone she does the same the phone makes a click noise. She goes to her phone with me still on her back she looks at the picture. I rest my head on her shoulder.

Santana: I like that one you should send it to me.

Dani: You got it.

She walks to the bag and grabs it. We continue walking the trail.

-Dani’s (POV)-

When we get to the picnic area we sit at a table and I set the bag down I take out sandwiches, chips, apples, cookies, and some water bottles for the both of us.

Dani: So you got the choice of peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and jelly.

Santana: I guess that I will have the peanut butter and jelly than.

 Santana smiles I grab a sandwich and hand it to her.

Dani: All right now what kind of chips do you want? I got Doritos nacho cheese or cool ranch.

I hold them both up Santana grabs the cool ranch ones.

Dani: Good choice.

She smiles again and I smile back. I hand her an apple and a water bottle.

Santana: Thank you.

Dani: You’re welcome.

We start to eat our food.

I was supposed to post this earlier but I got busy with some things. Anyways I hope that you liked this part. I’m thinking about having Santana open up about her and Brittany to Dani. What do you guys think? *Leave Comments* I also want to say thank you for the feedback, reads, and votes it means a lot to me. If there is anything that you would like me to add  just message me or comment what you want me to add and I will be more than happy to add it. :o) Anyways I think it’s time for me to hit the hay I’m beat I’ll try to post more tomorrow. Night y’all.

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