Opening Up

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-Dani's (POV)-

-Catskill Mountains-

After Santana and I get done eating we walk to a ledge where we can sit and look at the view we sit down. Santana sighs I look over at her she looks over at me.

Santana: I wish that we could stay up here. I don't want to go back there is nothing but drama and heartache there.

She looks out at the view I just sit there and listen to Santana.

Santana: You know that Britt and I used to do this kind of stuff all the time when we were dating. Well I mean not going up to the mountains, but we used to sit and watch the sunset together.

I nod my head urging her to go on.

Santana: After a couple of years it kind of went downhill she became distant after I graduated and went to Kentucky we did keep in contact but it wasn't the same because I couldn't touch her or kiss her. I visited her every chance that I had she even visited me, but it wasn't enough because it became harder and harder to say goodbye to her, you know?

She looks at me and I nod my head. She sighs.

Santana: Anyways I'm sorry you probably don't want to hear all of this.

Dani: I don't have a problem with it. You are just expressing your feelings.

I grab her hand.

Santana: Thank you.

Dani: That's what I am here for.

She smiles and I smile the sun starts to set we look at each other and lean in we kiss I take my phone out and take a picture. We pull away.

Santana: Thank you for listening to me.

Dani: You're welcome.

Santana: And thank you for taking me here it really has helped me clear my head and it made me feel better.

Dani: You're welcome.

Santana leans against me I put my arm around her I sigh I could get use to this.

Dani: We should head back.

Santana: Okay

Santana and I get up.

-Quinn's (POV)-

-The Loft-

I'm sitting in the living room watching a re-run of Teen Mom Brittany went to go look for a job I guess that she is going to be staying in New York because she dropped out of MIT. She was telling me how she wanted to get Santana back and how she won't let Dani have her. I told her maybe she shouldn't have dumped her in the first place. I mean who does that to someone they love? I didn't notice that Rachel was standing there watching me until she clears her throat.

Quinn: Oh hey what's up?

Rachel: Where is Brittany?

Quinn: She went to look for a job.

Rachel gives me a confused look.

Quinn: She decided to stay in New York.

Rachel: Why didn't you tell me and where is she staying?

I look at her than look down.

Quinn: I told her that she could stay here until she finds a place to leave.

Rachel: And what about San Quinn? This is her home too. Do you expect her to just live on the street?

Quinn: She won't be on the street Rachel she is with Dani.

Rachel: Have you ever thought about her feelings Quinn? She might feel like you are choosing Brittany over her. I get that Brittany is your friend but you also have another friend to worry about.

Quinn: She wants to move out anyways she could move in with Dani.

Rachel: What if they get into a relationship?

Quinn: Than they get into a relationship I mean we are in a relationship and we live together.

Rachel sighs I'm about to say something but she puts her hand up stopping me.

Rachel: All right fine Brittany can stay, but I'm not telling San you are.

Rachel walks off I sigh.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Dani’s Car-

Dani and I are heading home from the mountains I’m setting up my background from my phone I put the picture of me on Dani’s back. My phone goes off Quinn is calling me.

Santana: Hey Quinn what’s up?

Quinn: I have something to tell you and you might not like it.

Santana: Just tell me what it is.

Quinn: Britt is staying in New York.

I go silent.

Quinn: San are you there? Hello?

Santana: Yeah I’m here. What do you mean she is staying in New York?

Quinn: She dropped out of MIT.

Santana: Why would she do th…never mind I know why she would do that.

Quinn: And she is going to be staying here until she finds a place to go.

Santana: What? Why can’t she find somewhere else to go? I mean I live there too you know. Don’t I get a say in this?

Quinn: I’m sorry San.

Santana: Where am I supposed to go? I told Dani that I would be there for a couple of days.

Quinn: I don’t know maybe you can move in with her for a while I mean you did want to move out.

Santana: I can’t believe this right now you are supposed to be my best friend Quinn.

Quinn: I am your best friend San but, I am Britt’s too.

Santana: No best friends wouldn’t just throw their other best friend out just for her other best friend especially if one of those best friends’ broke the other ones heart.

I hang up the phone and put my face into my hands I feel Dani pull over.

Dani: What happened?

Santana: I was thrown out of my own home by Quinn.

Dani: Why?

I take a deep breath in and let it out.

Santana: Because Brittany is staying in New York and she needs a place to stay so Quinn said that she could stay there.

Dani: Why don’t you just move in with me? I mean I do have the space for another person, you will just need to help pay for half the rent.

Santana: You would do that?

Dani: Of course.

Dani smiles I give her a small smile.

Santana: But you don’t have to let me stay.

Dani: I want you to stay.

Santana: Are y…

Dani: I’m sure.

Santana: Okay.

Dani starts to drive again I lean my head against the window I can’t believe Quinn.

What did you think of this part? Did you like how Santana was opening up to Dani? Do you want them together yet or should I continue to go slow? *Leave comments*

You Make My Heart Race (A Faberry and Dantana Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now