Special Place

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-Rachel’s (POV)-

-The Loft-

I’m getting ready for my class at NYADA. I feel arms wrap around my waist I smile and turn around and wrap my arms around Quinn’s neck. I can tell something is bugging her.

Rachel: What’s wrong?

Quinn: I keep thinking about what Santana said last night.

Rachel: How she wants to move out and be on her own?

Quinn: Yeah.

Quinn goes to the bed and sits on the edge of it I sit next to her.

Rachel: Do you think that she could make it on her own?

Quinn: Of course I do I mean she still has that money that she got from her mom on graduation day.

Rachel: What is it then?

Quinn: It’s just that I would miss her I mean yeah she can be a bitch sometimes but she always tells the truth even if it hurts.

Rachel: But if it’s something that she wants to do we can’t hold her back.

Quinn: I know.

Rachel: It’s not like we can’t visit her or she can’t come here to visit. I mean I will miss her too she was there when Kurt and Blaine left, she was there when I found out about Finn, and she was there when you and I had that big fight.

Quinn: Yeah she’s been there for us for many things.

I look at my watch.

Rachel: I have to go my class is going to start soon, maybe we can talk to Santana about her moving out I mean she doesn’t have to do it right away, right?

Quinn: Right.

I get up and kiss Quinn I grab my bag and walk out of the room.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Dani’s Car-

Dani is making me drive somewhere and I don’t know where all I know is that we are by some old buildings. I look over and see her playing on her phone.

Santana: So where to now?

Dani looks up from her phone.

Dani: Turn into the parking ramp and continue going up.

Santana: All right.

I turn into the parking lot and continue going up.

Dani: Park here.

I park in a parking spot Dani unbuckles herself and gets out of the car I unbuckle myself and take the keys out of the ignition. I get out of the car.

-Parking Ramp-

Santana: Here are your keys.

She takes them our hands touch and I feel a tingle in my hand.

Dani: Thanks.

Santana: No thank you for letting me drive your car.

Dani: No problem.

Santana: So where are we?

Dani: Just a place I went to when I first came here.

Santana: So it’s like a secret?

Dani: Well it’s not a secret anymore now is it?

She smiles and I smile back.

Santana: I guess not.

Dani: Come on I want to show you something.

Dani puts out her arm I hook my arm with hers. We walk to a door and she opens it we walk through it than climb some stairs. We get to a rooftop where you can see almost all of New York.

Santana: Wow this is amazing.

Dani: Yeah it is.

I turn around and notice that she is looking at me I smile.

Santana: I was talking about that view.

I point behind me.

Dani: I know.

She smiles and walks to the ledge and sits she lets her feet hang off of the edge.

Santana: Aren’t you afraid of falling?

Dani: No there is another roof top below.

She sticks out her hand I grab it and I slowly make my way to the ledge and sit next to her the sun starts to set I take out my phone and take a picture of it.

Santana: I think that this is the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me.

Dani: Well stick with me and I can show you a lot more romantic places.

She smiles and I smile.

Santana: How long have you been in New York?

Dani: Well I moved here when I was eighteen I’m twenty one now so you can do the math.

Santana: You’ve been here for three years?

Dani: Mhm. How long have you been here for?

Santana: Well I moved here when I was eighteen too I’m twenty now so do the math.

Dani: You’ve been here for two years and you have never driven a car here?

Santana: Well I don’t exactly have a car here plus walking is good for you.

Dani: I know what you mean I love walking everywhere. I mean I don’t mind driving my car if I need to.

Santana: Well I would be driving that car like every day just to show it off.

Dani: You like the car that much?

Santana: Are you kidding me your car is freaking awesome and it’s purple you can’t go wrong with a purple car.

Dani chuckles a little.

Dani: Well I’m glad that you like the color of my car.

Santana: I also enjoyed driving it.

Dani: I’m glad that you enjoyed it.

I smile she looks at her watch.

Dani: I suppose we should head back we have work tomorrow.

I sigh.

Santana: I guess so.

Dani gets up and helps me up I shiver a little.

Dani: Are you cold?

Santana: A little.

Dani: Here.

Dani takes off her jacket and puts it on me.

Santana: Thank you.

Dani: You’re welcome.

Dani and I head to her car and head home.

What did you think? Do you think that they should get together already or should they still take things slow? *Leave Comments*

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