Time for You to Move On

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-Rachel’s (POV)-


Quinn and I are staring at Dani I start to get up but Quinn stops me by putting her hand on my leg. I sit back down and look at Quinn she gives me a look saying “Don’t do anything” I nod my head a little.

Dani: Why can’t you just leave Santana alone?

Brittany: I love her.

Brittany pulls her arm away.

Dani: If you loved her you wouldn’t have let her go.

Brittany: It was a stupid mistake and I’m trying to fix it.

Dani: You can’t fix it Brittany she’s moved on maybe you should too.

Dani goes to walk off but Brittany grabs her hand Dani turns around and BAM! Brittany punches Dani right in the nose. Quinn and I get up really fast I grab Dani she removes her hand from her nose and it’s bleeding.

Rachel: Oh my God Dani your nose.

Dani: I think that it’s broken.

Dani puts her hand back on her nose and I hear Santana’s voice behind us.

Santana: What the hell happened?

Quinn walks up to Santana and grabs her hand she tries to pull her away but she pulls her hand away.

Santana: I asked what the hell happened.

Dani: Ask you psycho ex-girlfriend.

Dani points at Brittany and Santana looks at her.

Santana: What did you do?

Brittany: I…I punched her.

I can see that Santana is getting mad.

Santana: What gave you the right to hit her?

Brittany: I got mad at her so I punched her.

Santana: That doesn’t give you the right to punch her. I want you out of my life for good I don’t want to see you, I don’t want you calling, and I don’t want you texting me. You are my past and Dani is my future if you can’t see how happy I am with her than you can leave I also don’t give a damn if you won some stupid sing off I am not I repeat am not going to meet with you. You just lost me as a friend. Come on Dani let’s get you to the hospital.

Santana takes Dani by the hand and leads her out of Callbacks.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Roosevelt Hospital Emergency Room-

Dani, Rachel, Quinn, and I are in the emergency room waiting for the doctor to call Dani’s name I look over at Dani and she looks at me. The tissue that she has on her nose has blood coming through it so I hand her another one.

Dani: Thanks babe.

Santana: You’re welcome. How is it?

Dani: It hurts like hell.

Santana: Can I see it?

Dani: Sure.

Dani takes the tissue off of her nose and I look at it.

Dani: What’s the damage doc?

Santana: It doesn’t look broken.

I reach up and touch it a little Dani moves her head away.

Dani: Ow!

Santana: Sorry.

Dani: It’s okay.

After about ten minutes a nurse comes out and calls Dani’s name Dani and I get up I go with Dani while Quinn and Rachel stay in the waiting area.

-Quinn’s (POV)-

-Hospital Waiting Area-

Rachel looks over at me and I look at her.

Rachel: Do you think that she will be okay?

Quinn: Yeah I’m sure that she will be okay.

Rachel: I hope so.

Quinn: She will be babe.

Rachel: I thought that Santana was going to hit Brittany.

Quinn: So did I but, I’m glad that she didn’t.

Rachel: So am I.

Rachel and I continue to talk until Santana and Dani come out from the back.

Quinn: Well?

Santana: Well it’s not broken just fractured.

Dani: The doc said that I should rest, make sure no one bumps it, and put ice on it.

Rachel: It looks like you are going to have two black eyes.

Dani: Yeah the doc said that is normal for a fractured nose.

Quinn: I’m surprised that you didn’t hit her back.

Dani: I thought about it.

Santana: So did I.

Dani: I’m glad that you didn’t and I’m proud of what you said.

Quinn: So am I.

Rachel: Yeah that was pretty sweet what you said.

Santana: I’m just stating the truth.

Santana smiles at us and we all smile back.

Dani: Well lets get home I think that I’ve had enough fun for tonight.

We all laugh and walk out of the hospital.

What did you think? Do you think that Brittany is going to finally leave Santana alone? What did you think of what Santana said to Brittany?

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