The First Official Date

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-Dani's (POV)-

-Dani and Santana's Apartment-

I wake up and look at the time wow I slept in for once. I throw the blankets off of me and I get out of bed I go to the bathroom anf find a note tapped to the mirror I read it.

Dani: When you find this get dressed and go to Central Park when you get there call me and I will give you further instructions, Santana.

I smile and fold up the note I go to the bathroom than I go back to my room and get dressed. I grab my phone and keys I leave the apartment.


I make my way to Central Park when I get there I take out my phone and call Santana.

Santana: Well hi there beautiful.

Dani: Hi I’m at Central Park.

Santana: I know I can see you.

I look around but I don’t see Santana.

Dani: Where are you?

Santana: That’s a secret just walk forward.

I walk forward.

Dani: Where to now?

Santana: Take a right.

I take a right.

Santana: Okay do you see a building in front of you?

Dani: Yes.

Santana: Go into it and take the stairs to the top floor.

Dani: Okay.

I enter the building and start my walk to the top floor I get there.

Dani: I’m here now what?

Santana: Do you see a door that says roof access?

I look around and see the door.

Dani: Yes.

Santana: Walk through it.

I open the door and walk through it I see Santana and smile I hang up my phone.

Santana: You found me.

Dani: I did. What are you up to?

Santana: You will see.

Santana takes out a blindfold and puts it over my eyes she kisses me when the blindfold is on. I smile.

Dani: You know you don’t need a blindfold to kiss me right?

Santana: I know.

Santana takes my hand and pulls on me I don’t know how long it was but we stop and she lets go of my hand.

Santana: All right when I tell you to take the blindfold off take it off.

Dani: Okay.

Santana whispers in my ear.

Santana: Take it off.

I take off the blindfold and gasp we are on a roof that is filled with sunflowers.

Dani: There has to be at least a dozen sunflowers.

Santana: Well it’s actually three dozen I remembered that you said that you liked sunflowers.

Dani: Thank you.

I turn around and wrap my arms around Santana’s neck we kiss.

Santana: That’s not everything.

Dani: There’s more?

Santana: Yeah.

Santana grabs my hand and leads me to a place where there is a blanket and basket we sit.

Dani: Wow.

Santana: This is my way of saying thank you and it’s also our first official date.

I smile and kiss her.

Dani: This is a perfect first official date.

Santana smiles and starts taking food out of the basket.

Santana: I got PB&J sandwiches, chips, cookies, and sparkling cider since I’m not old enough to buy wine yet.

Dani: It’s perfect.

Santana grabs some glasses and opens the sparkling cider she pours some into the glasses she hands me a glass she raises her glass.

Santana: To new beginnings.

Dani: To new beginnings.

We clink our glasses together and take a drink we eat after we are done eating I sit behind Santana and she leans against me. I put my arms around her and she plays with my hands.

Dani: We haven’t told Quinn and Rachel yet.

Santana: We can tell them over dinner.

Dani: Sounds like a plan.

I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her a little.

Dani: So did you like NYADA?

Santana: Yeah I do and I talked to Carmen Tibideaux she said that they will be holding auditions next week. I also over heard her saying that they are looking for someone to teach people how to play the piano and guitar.

Dani: Maybe I can apply there.

Santana: What about your classes?

Dani: I’ll still go but if I get the job than I wouldn’t have to go to school anymore.

Santana: Yeah.

Dani: Yep.

I smile and kiss Santana on the head again we stay like this for a while than we have to go get ready for work.


Okay this is the last part for tonight I hope that you guys enjoyed it.

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