I need you now (cake fanfic)

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I ran through the hospital tears threatening to spill from my eyes I knew I couldn't hold them back much long but I still tried.

I knew Luke needed me but I ignored him he phoned me saying "I need you" I just thought he was joking like he always did so I thought nothing of it and now look where he is.

"Luke Hemmings" A nurse called from outside his door so I sprinted towards it "I'm Calum his best friend" I said a tear dropping from the tip of my nose "please don't be to distraught he is in pretty bad shape, please just say your goodbyes and let him go." She said looking me dead in the eye "You think it's that fucking easy saying goodbye to my best friend and letting him die?!" I exclaimed "please don't raise your voice at me sir" she spoke in barely a whisper "fine just let me say goodbye"

"Hey Luke can you hear me? well I just wanted to say that you have been my best friend for years now and it hurts me truly having I say goodbye but I know I can't let you live with all this pain you would feel so I'll let you go." I could barely speak between sobs "just please don't forget me when you get to heaven Lukey I love you to the moon and back please just remember that and I'll feel complete Lukey bye bye." I sobbed planting a kiss on his lips "mr Hood if you would be so kind as to follow me " the nurse said with genuine sympathy "I love him I don't want him to die " " I know Calum but he would live with so much pain if we didn't let him go, constantly on life support it's just not a way to live" she patted my back and I nodded.

All I heard was a loud beep and I dropped to the floor drowning in my own tears a huge part of my life has been taken from me and I am only living on a tiny bit of life.

"I'm so sorry mr Hood" she said walking to get the doctors.

I sat there for a couple of minutes before walking to another part of the hospital completely unaware of where I was going I found so sort of cafeteria and I took a seat when suddenly my phone started to ring.

I suddenly bolted from my bed and ran to Luke room to find him sat awake on his bed staring at me.

Authors note~

Hope you like this thought of the idea this morning.


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