Chapter 40

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They all knew Calum was running out of time but only Luke was strong enough to admit it.
"Calum's gonna die and I'm not leaving this room because if I do that means I'm losing time with him."they just looked at Luke not like he was crazy but like they felt bad for him "Luke you really need to leave just for 10 minutes to get some fresh air or at least some food.

Luke did not listen to there 'advice' and stayed in the hospital room right by Calum's side watching him hoping he would wake from this dragging coma.
Calum's dad would keep saying to him "a watched pot never boils" which would make Luke smile at the time but the smile would soon fade.

There was one thing desperately want to say to Calum which was there infinity.
Like in the fault In our stars they had an infinity and all Luke wanted was for Calum to say it back to him, but with Cal in the coma Luke wouldn't get the reply he wanted.
Luke decide it was in his best interest to go outside or just somewhere else from the room because being in a room for three weeks isn't the best for a person physically or mentally so the park right outside would be the perfect spot.
He walked to the door not forgetting to do there infinity "okay".

I'm sorry but I'm not.
That is all.
I hope you all know how the Fault I our stars ended or at least what happens.

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