Chapter seventeen

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Ashton pov

We sat there sit a minute it was really awkward and it has never been awkward between us before and then he spoke out "Ash I'm so sorry I knew how you felt about you and you know how I feel about you and I just really want you to forgive me because yeah I was a dick you mean more to me then anything in this world and I just wish I could be with you and tell you how beautiful and perfect your smile is and how your eyes are have an amazing glimmer to them I've never seen before or how much you can effect someone even when you don't say anything or how caring you are and how I can tell you anything and know that you will never judge me because you know people are who they are and everyone should just accept it and I just wish you knew how much you have effected Harry and Lauren like I was talking to them earlier and they couldn't stop talking about how great a brother you are and how you help them with petty little problem even when there stupid it's just, I just want you Ash" he said not taking any breaths his speech but the last bit his voice cracked and I knew he was gonna cry and I didn't want my Mickey to cry or think that I'm angry at him "Mickey in not at you and I will never be so please don't think that, and that speech just made me realise how lost I would be if I didn't have people like you and the others to tell me these things when I need them and that coming from you means more than the world to me I hope you know that Mickey" he smiled at me tears still streaming down his face, I wasn't in tears I don't know why but I guess I was to happy to even cry tears of happiness. I looked at my phone we've been in here 3 hours "I have a Question for you Ash" he said looking at me with a grin "anything" I said "will you be my boyfriend Ashton that would make me the happiest man on the planet being able to call you mine" my heart fluttered when he said that "I would love to Mickey" i said hugging me tightly like his life depended in it "I won't ever hurt you ever ever ever" I was now struggling to hold back tear and broke down "what's wrong Ash have I done something wrong I'm so sorr-" i covered his mouth "no I'm just so happy that you asked me that I just thought you'd apologise and it would all be fine but this this has made me the happiest I have been in a while Mickey and it's all that's to you" I said and he kissed me his lips were softer then anything I've ever felt ever. I pulled away and grabbed his arm tugging him out the door and down the stairs.


I ship Mashton so hard they just need to happen and I'll be the happiest girl ever.

Anyways hope you guys like this because I love writing it xx


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