Chapter thirteen

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I walked into the bathroom and I saw something disgusting.

It was Michael getting all on with some stranger in the middle if the bathroom and he didn't even to stop this from happening.

"Michael!!!" I exclaimed causing him to turn hi head an stare directly at him "Luke" he whispered and turned around "NO LUKE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!!" he shouted at me "no Michael I understand perfectly well" I shout whispered (that's a thing) "what do you mean?" he asked me quietly "you just got Ashton's hopes up on being with you and you think that's okay?" before he could speak "No! that is not okay, you're gonna hurt him and I don't wanna see my best friend hurt because of you're dick move so I'm not gonna tell him that's up to you and to be honest I hope it hurts you" I said sternly "why are you being so mean?" he said disgust in his voice "why am I being so mean? Michael have you seen How Ashton looks at you? he looks at you like you're the only thing in life that can make him happy and this, this is just gonna crush him" I said coldly "you just think about that and realise how much of a dick you are you got him believing you liked him and that was obviously bullshit"I spat out "and another thing have you realised how much shit he has been through in the past couple of days? no and you don't care" I said walking away.

I walked out the bathroom telling everyone that we didn't have to wait for Michael "why? how's he gonna get home?" look at them and said bluntly "I don't care how he gets home to be honest I don't care if ha can't get home" I said look at Ashton "but we can't just leave him" Ashton said softly "you'll want to leave him when you know what he's done to you Ash" Ashton just looked at me like I wasn't speaking English "never mind, but come on let's go" they all nodded not really contently.

We got home and I was bombarded by Ash an Cals questions about what had happened "Ashton he has to tell you I can't tell you so please go find him" he nodded and walked away "Michael was in the bathroom with some boy he barely knew fully naked and doing the dirty, but the sad thing is Cal he had convinced Ashton that he was so into him and now think what Ashton's gonna feel when he finds out in fact I'm pretty sure they are an item so he pretty much just full blown cheated" I said Calum's face grew with anger "I'm going to kill him when I see him, no one and I mean no one hurts my best friend" he said with full on rage.

Ashton walked in the house alone his eyes blood shot like he ha just cried for hours "oh Ash I'm so sorry" he just shook his head at us "no it's not you're fault in fact it's really not very important I don't care it's not like we were properly dating so it doesn't matter really it's fine" he looked anywhere but our faces "I'm gonna just go get some sleep if Michael comes-" I cut him off "I'll kill him" he smiled slightly, he didn't say it was a bad idea so he just walked away up the stairs.

All I could feel was sorrow for my best friend he of all people in his world he doesn't deserve this so I felt angry as well but I kept on a smile "I'm gonna kill him" was all Cal said before walking out the door with speed



Oh shit.

Shit just got hella real.


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