Chapter twelve

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Lauren dragged me to the car.

It was like all of her liveliness had just come back to all at once.

This is how I like it my little sister all happy, she doesn't ever deserve to feel anything other then happy, but I know that sometimes she will and I wanna be there to help her through thick and thin.

I opened the car door and she climbed into the back seat and Luke in the passengers.

he whispered "you're an amazing brother you know that right?" I couldn't do anything but smile at his words "Luke you're an amazing brother to her to" he shook his head "not even almost as caring and sensitive to their feelings and that's what it takes to be a great brother, and you Ashton have that covered." with those words he put his headphones on and smiled at me one last time before zoning out "you all buckled up?" I asked Lauren "yes sir" "okayy lets go get pizza then" I started the car and drove out the drive way to the pizza place.

The drive was silent, not an awkward silence where you didn't know what to say but a nice relaxing silence where the silence spoke louder then any words we could use.

I got out the car and immediately saw Cals car assuring me that they were here.

We walked in together but Lauren a couple of steps in front of me and Luke.

She then saw Harry, Cal and Mickey and ran to them causing me and Luke to walk faster.

"Did everything go alright?" Mickey asked, his voice as soft as an angel "yeah we will tell you everything when we get back home okay?" I said loud enough for Cal and Mickey to hear they both nodded their heads smiling.

We all ate and Mickey decided to go to the bathroom, but he was in there a lot longer then usual so I decided to go check on him and what I saw truly disgusted me....


Dun dun dun what did he see? cliffhanger hahah hope you guess like this.

Stefanie hazel

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