Chapter eleven

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We heard footsteps come down the stairs indicating that either Harry or Lauren were awake.

Harry popped his little body through the door and smiled at us all "hey Harry where's Lauren?" Ashton asked with a wide grin planted on his face "umm she's in the bathroom.... But she's been in there over an hour and she's not answering me" Ashton eyes grew wider as he sprinted up the stairs to my room.

Ashton's pov

Bang Bang i knocked on the door with great force "Lauren open up please are you alokay?" I started saying alright but changed to okay mid sentence "please Lauren I know you're in there please just come out" I asked soft voiced.

The door slowly opened and I stormed in she looked at me with sad eyes "everything in my life is going wrong and I can't handle this, first school gets bad then mum and dad I can't deal with this" she said between sobs "please don't cry" I said hugging her "I can't live like this Ash" she said and looked me dead in the eyes.

Although she spoke no words I knew exactly what she wanted to say.

So I grabbed her wrist, blood dripping on the floor as I pull up her sleeve this made me cry harder "Lauren you can't do this to yourself" she look down "no look at me Lauren please promise you will never do this again" I said holding her face in my left hand "you did Ashton and you got better maybe it will make me better" Luke ran through the door grabbing Lauren and holding her like his life depended on it.

It made me so happy know how much she means to all of us but she doesn't realise and I just wish she did.

"Lauren I'm so sorry you feel like this, I'm sorry for being so oblivious, I'm sorry for everything" Luke was now also in floods of tears.

He grabbed her wrist and kissed every single cut she had "you talk to me about anything no matter how big or small I will be right here to listen and I know for a fact your amazingly amazing big brother is right here forever and always" he said placing one last kiss on her forehead "we all love you Lauren and don't you forget that" he said smiling at her with glowing eyes "I love you to Lukey" she said with a wide smile "I'll let you and Ash talk now but just remember who you've got okay?" he walked away wiping his tears "wait where are the other I sent them to talk Harry to get pizza and we can get some when we've finished up here" I nodded and he left "have these bracelets okay one for every cut okay? I love you so much I love you to the moon and beyond and back okay I am never leaving you or Harry" I said before she pulled me into her tight embrace and I didn't want to let her go not now not ever "let's go get some pizza shall we?" I said in a terrible English accent "we shall" is all we said then walked down the stairs to meet Luke at the bottom "Pizza?" he said "pizza" me and Lauren said in sync causing us to laugh.

"I love you Lauren" I whispered to her and a huge smile formed on her face "love you to infinity and beyond Ash" she said grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.


Aww bless Lauren she is so beautiful and I don't see how anyone could say anything different #staystrongLauren


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