Chapter eight

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"Guys I gotta go out I'll be back in awhile" I shouted "okay bye Mickey" and with that I walked down the road to my favourite pizza place.

I have been craving pizza all day it's really been bugging me so I thought I might come get some "what can I get you Michael?" Leah asked as she stood behind me "just my usual thanks" she nodded "your so boring Mickey" she sniggered causing a huge smile to form on my face "i am not boring" I said defensively "of course you're not Michael" I nodded and she walked away.

I had to pee so I walked Into the restroom just me and a guy about the same age as me so just smiled at him and did my business.

After I finished I walked to the door only to be gripped up to a wall "hey what the fuck?" I yelled "your pretty cute aren't you" I looked around the room wishing someone would walk in but no it was still just us "what do you want?" I shouted causing his grip to get stronger "your number would be great" he laugh and grabbed my phone "no password that's not safe....." he said waiting for me to state my name "ummm urgh Michael" I hesitantly said "I'm Kellin see that wasn't to hard was it?" I looked so confused at this point "I'll just put your number in my phone Michael" he said my name like it was a great word "okayy" he smiled widely losing his grip on my left wrist enough for me to get out "I'll message you tonight" he said with a wink and before I knew he was nibbling on my neck it hurt but not half as much as it did when he blew it, causing me to wince in pain "see you around Michael" I just looked around hiding my blush.

I walked back to my table and Leah was just coming so I asked her if she could put it in a box for me to talk in home to the others and for another one on the side because I remembered how many of us there now were with Harry and Lauren staying.

I walked back to the house with the pizzas in my hand and opened the door "I'm back guys" I yelled into the lounge and I was greater by Ashton who took one of the pizzas.

It was now very late and everyone was asleep either on the couch or the floor except me and Ash "there's something that has been bugging me all day Michael" he said and I knew this was serious because he used my full name "what is it?" I said my palms now sweating "well I noticed that hickey on your neck and I was just wondering who have it to you?" he said looking at his now sweaty palms "oh this boy called Kellin I think it was... yeah I only met him today he gripped me up in the restroom and put his number in my phone and stole mine then when I was gonna leave he bit my neck yeah so nothing really special" I said all happy like and that caused Ash to look up "Ashton I know this is gonna sound crazy but.... I -umm well I feel something for you that I don't feel for any other boy and I have never felt for any other boy but you" I said looking him dead in the eyes "umm okay well I'm gonna go to sleep now night" he said turning his head and going to sleep "night" I just sat there feeling stupid I thought he liked me but no I'm just stupid thinking Ashton likes me like that that's crazy he's just a little bit out of my limits, it's been to years now hasn't even seen the best of me.

I repeated that in head realising how stupid I was for admitting that "oh tomorrow is gonna be awkward" I whispered and sighed before closing my heavy eyelids and falling asleep.

Authors note

I know I said I wouldn't carry on if you didn't like this but I really liked this idea so I wrote it hope you do like this though.


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